Office of Medical Education

Welcome to Foster School of Medicine Office of Medical EducationThe Office of Medical Education (OME) provides management and oversight of the required medical school curriculum, including pre-clerkship courses, clerkship, medical student assessment, program evaluation and supporting the process for LCME accreditation. Our mission is to support the Foster School of Medicine’s mission by providing outstanding education and development opportunities to all our students and advancing student knowledge through the design, organization, monitoring, evaluation and assessment of our innovative curriculum and our student outcomes. We are dedicated to supporting students, faculty and staff in the process of teaching and learning by fostering a safe and healthy learning environment. The OME team performs the following functions:
Contact the Office of Medical Education at :
Texas Tech Health El Paso
Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
Office of Medical Education
Medical Centers of America 2nd Floor
5130 Gateway Blvd East
El Paso, TX 79905