Global Health and Societies

In today's interconnected world, health knows no borders, making the well-being of every individual a collective concern.
The Office of Global Health and Societies (OGHS) at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso is a professional, interdisciplinary effort aimed at reducing health disparities.
OGHS supports education to empower professionals who can improve the health of our world. OGHS strives to advance worldwide health among underserved populations through academic excellence, research, service, sustainable programs and collaborative partnerships, while ensuring social responsibility.
Texas Tech Health El Paso is a Hispanic Serving Institution that is situated on the
U.S.-Mexico border.
OGHS values and embraces societies, cultures, and global health dimensions on campus,
in the El Paso community, and beyond borders.
Notable programs include the Cultural Competence Conference, Global Health Conference, cultural celebrations, student initiatives, monthly lectures and film series that serve as catalysts for positive change.