
Associate Academic Dean for Admissions
Current Research Interests
Human induced pluripotent stem cell models (hiPSC) of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders of autophagy, best practices in recruitment, retention and pathway programs for medical education
[2000-2004] - B.S. University of Arizona with Honors, Magna Cum Laude, Molecular and
Cellular Biology.
[2005-2011] - Ph.D. University of California San Diego, Molecular Pathology Graduate
Program, Advisor: Roberta Gottlieb, MD.
[1999] - NASA-SHARPS Plus Research Intern, Southern University, Department of Biochemistry.
[2001-2004] - Research Assistant, University of Arizona, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy.
[2002-2004] - Science Connection Teacher, 3rd-5th grade, Safford Elementary, Tucson, Az.
[2005] - Staff Research Associate II, University of California San Diego, Department of Biology.
[2011-2013] - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California San Diego, Department of Medicine, Co-Advisors: Eric Adler, MD; Neil Chi, MD PhD.
[2013] - Unit Manager, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM, Department of Medical Education.
[2014-2015] - Faculty Associate, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM, Department of Medical Education.
[2015 – 2020] Assistant Professor, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM, Department of Medical Education.
[2016 – 2022] Assistant Dean of Admissions, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM.
[2021 – current] Associate Professor, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM, Department of Medical Education.
[2022 – current] Associate Dean of Admissions, TTUHSC-EP PLFSOM.
- [2005] NSF-CAMP Bridges to the Doctorate (BD) Fellowship- 2 year award.
- [2007] NIH-Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA) F31 Individual Fellowship-4 year award.
- [2008] Cardiovascular Outreach Award, American Heart Association BCVS Conference.
- [2013] UCSD Stem Cell Program travel award 11th Annual ISSCR Meeting.
- [2013] Cardiovascular Outreach Award, American Heart Association BCVS Conference.
- [2012] NIH-Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA) F32 Individual Fellowship- 2 year award.
- [2012] Cellular Dynamics International Innovative Research Grant. Invited speaker to 8 scientific conferences.
- 43 poster presentations.
- Author of 24 peer reviewed manuscripts.
- First author of 1 book chapter and 1 review.
- Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) TTUHSC-EP.
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science member.
- International Association for Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) member.
- Team Based Learning Collaborative member.
- Texas Joint Admissions Medical Program (JAMP) Council Chair.
- Texas Medical and Dental School Application Service (TMDSAS) Advisory Council.
- Reviewer for Medical Science Educator.

Director of Outreach and Pathways Programs
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) School Coordinator

Assistant Director of Advising and Recruiting

Office of Admissions Mission
The mission of the PLFSOM Office of Admissions is to promote the school as a preferred choice, recruit competitive diverse applicants and be a holistic admissions portal, consonant with the school's mission, for students seeking an outstanding medical education.
The mission of the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine is to provide exceptional educational and development opportunities for our diverse learning community, advance knowledge through research and innovation, and serve the needs of our border region and beyond.
The vision of the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine is to promote wellness and relieve suffering through excellence in clinical service, innovation, and leadership in border health care.