Visiting Residents and Fellows
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso welcomes visiting trainees who are enrolled in Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs at other institutions.
To help ensure an optimal educational experience and clinical learning environment, all visiting residents and fellows must be approved through the standard approval process.
- This process may take up to 180 days. Requests less than 90 days may not be fulfilled.
- The visiting institution Program Coordinator will contact the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Program Coordinator to request a rotation and provide the details: name(s) and number of rotator(s), rotation name(s), planned rotation dates, and any other information needed. The Texas Tech Health El Paso Program Director will review the request, verify availability of faculty, resources, and approve or deny the request.
- If the request is approved, the Texas Tech Health El Paso Program Coordinator will notify the GME office to begin the agreement process.
- The Texas Tech Health El Paso Program Coordinator will send the visiting institution Program Coordinator the Visiting Rotator Packet.
- No trainee may begin a rotation until all applicable onboarding processes steps are complete.