Graduate Medical Education - El Paso Transmountain Campus

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General Information (El Paso – Transmountain Campus)

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine Transmountain campus offers four approved residency programs with openings for approximately 76 resident trainee positions. The Hospitals of Providence Transmountain Campus is also one of the academic affiliate partners with the Foster School of Medicine for MS3 and MS4 clinical clerkship rotations. All of the residency programs meet the accreditation standards of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the American Board of Medical Specialties. The program director of each department manages the recruiting, education, training and evaluation of its residents. The Graduate Medical Education sub-committee and the Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education are responsible for general oversight and monitoring of all residency programs at the Transmountain campus.

Most of the clinical experience residents receive is provided at The Hospitals of Providence Transmountain Campus and some rotations at other affiliate Hospitals of Providence locations: Sierra and Memorial. We also have partnerships with several Texas Tech Health El Paso faculty physicians with private practice in the community where residents gain enriching exposure to the private practice and business of medicine.