Office of the President and Dean
Welcome to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso website. As you navigate the site, you will be introduced to the unique and fascinating components of the only health sciences center on the U.S.-Mexico border. Located at the western-most point of Texas and sharing borders with New Mexico and Mexico, Texas Tech Health El Paso is a microcosm of the nation’s future cultural make-up. Age-old and emerging diseases cross borders, making our location a prime spot to acquire and apply treatment and research skills. Dedicated researchers work diligently to unravel the mysteries of these diseases and integrate that knowledge into the education of our learners in the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing, and L. Frederick Francis Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. At our Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso offices, our faculty offer comprehensive care in general medicine, pediatrics, and the full spectrum of specialties.
Our community strives to ensure that those living in the region have quality health care available now and for decades to come. Texas Tech Health El Paso is the culmination of this determined, pioneering spirit. I invite you to explore these pages to learn more.
Richard Lange, M.D., M.B.A.
President, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Dean, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine