Financial Aid Overview
While attending school at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, students can expect an average yearly cost of approximately $38,000.
Texas Tech Health El Paso does not have student dorms, so this estimation not only includes yearly fees and tuition, but the cost of living while in El Paso.
Students should weigh and consider all options when funding their medical education. Consider any and all possible scholarships. Contact the Office of Student Services for help in finding and applying for scholarships.
If interested in military service after their education, students should consider the F. Edward Hebert Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program. Highlights of this program include fully paid tuition and a monthly stipend. Students must complete one year of active duty service for every one year they receive this scholarship.
All students should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application is used in determining the financial aid needs and eligibility of the student.
Contact the Office of Student Affairs for more information.