Requesting for Document Removal (*UPDATE)
***BEFORE sending the e-mail to the EMR Department-Append the document you are requesting to be
filed in error with the reason why it needs to be removed. The document will not be filed in error
until this append is signed by the person requesting for it to be removed.
When needing a signed document to be removed from a chart, you will need to send an e-mail to
elpasoemr@ttuhsc.edu with the following required information only
(all required information can be found on the documents tab, see below):
• Patient E#:
• Date & time of document to be removed:
• Summary of document:
• Provider of document:
If the document is a scanned document, please include the information above as well as the information within the note as well, see below.
In case you missed it – Requesting for Document Removal
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Meaningful Use
� Tip of the Week
Documenting Procedures performed during the office visit:
• Document procedure thoroughly
• Patient Instructions form-Include procedures and other instructions based on
clinical discussions that took place during the office visit.
• Patient instructions (Clinical Summary) must be printed and given to the patient after each visit.
In case you missed it – Requesting to add websites to Thin Clients-How To
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EMR Announcements
EMR Announcements:
- We are currently working on modifying the lab results to come in electronically to the same spot
regardless of which lab the results come from. Please notify us if you find any lab results that are
not crossing to the flow sheet by sending the lab report to the proxy box EMR, Labs.
- ***For the following clinics: Family Medicine, OB/GYN, Internal Medicine, and
Pediatrics….The Patient Instructions Handout will now automatically print after using
the meaningful use criteria form in your office visit. The form is now at the end of
the note, after the Patient Instructions Form. Always be sure to double check the
instructions before handing to the patient to ensure the right information was printed.
- Please dial 215-4020 to reach us.
- To request to file an EMR document in error please send an e-mail to elpasoemr@ttuhsc.edu. Please do not
send alerts or flags for this type of request.
- For any feedback or requests for this newsletter please e-mail us at elpasoemr@ttuhsc.edu
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EMR Known Issues
EMR Known Issues:
As always we are working to resolve these issues in a timely fashion and will keep
you updated on their status.
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