House Staff Association Bylaws
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Texas Tech Health El Paso House Staff Association Bylaws (PDF)
- To serve as the Texas Tech Health El Paso PLFSOM advocates for residents and fellows from the Alberta and Transmountain campuses.
- To provide an open forum that allows residents and fellows to communicate and exchange information on their educational and work environment and to promote the well-being, interests, and education of the House Staff.
- To serve as a bridge between residents and the institution to voice concerns that cannot be resolved within the individual training program and provide feedback without fear of intimidation or retaliation in a confidential manner.
- To advise the institutional leadership on potential solutions or areas in need of
- Every resident and fellow is considered a member of the House Staff Association.
- Every resident and fellow is considered a member of the House Staff Association.
- The HSAC is composed of resident/fellow representatives from each training program and they are considered the voting members.
- The House Staff Association Officers are the leadership group of the HSAC.
- The HSAC is the peer-selected group of residents and fellows that represent the interest of each training program.
- The HSAC can invite ex-officio members as deemed appropriate.
- HSAC meetings shall be held monthly prior to the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) meeting.
- HSAC program representatives shall attend the monthly HSAC meetings or send a representative in their place.
- A quorum should be constituted by the presence of at least 50% of the voting members.
- Parliamentary procedure should be followed for all meetings.
- HSAC minutes will be taken by the GME office for the open session only.
- President:
- Shall preside as the Chair of the HSAC or send a HSAC Officer as a representative.
- To avoid conflict of interest with regard to chairing the HSAC and to address issues related to the President’s department, there should be another representative from a different department as the HSA President.
- Shall fulfill the responsibilities and temporarily cover any vacant officer positions and delegate or hold a special election to appoint personnel as soon as possible.
- Shall be responsible for preparing the monthly HSAC Agenda.
- Shall attend as a voting member at the monthly GMEC meetings.
- Shall be responsible for presenting house staff concerns, requests or other items at University Medical Center (UMC) Medical Executive Committee (MEC).
- Shall attend monthly GMEC, UMC-MEC, UMC-MSPI and EP County Medical Society monthly meetings or send a HSA Officer as representative.
- Shall oversee appointment of residents/fellows to committees at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso , University Medical Center (UMC), El Paso Children’s Hospital (EPCH), The Hospitals of Providence (THOP)committees and any other relevant committees at other institutions.
- Shall be given access to the HSAC email and disseminate messages as appropriate.
- Vice-President:
- Shall take the place of the President if he/she is not available to fulfill responsibilities.
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- Will follow up on HSAC pending items and report to HSAC President.
- May assist with checking the HSAC email routinely.
- Resident Liaison
- This officer is the primary contact individual for resident concerns.
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- Report concerns to the House Staff Association President at the HSAC monthly meetings.
- Resident liaison will attend resident call room inspections (walk-throughs) or send a HSAC Officer or representative in the event the Resident Liaison is unable to attend.
- Schedule walk-through dates with different specialties Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, OBGYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery.
- Follow up on pending items after each walk-through and report status at the HSAC and GMEC meetings.
- Shall assign a representative for the El Paso Psychiatric Center (EPPC) walk-through.
- Administrative Officer
- Shall be responsible for ballot and vote counting, as applicable.
- Shall oversee recruitment to committees and HSAC Representatives.
- Shall assist with monitoring surveys sent to the house staff.
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- Communications Officer
- Shall organize HSAC news and announcements through the Texas Tech Health El Paso House Staff Association website and social media.
- Shall assist the President in preparing messages to be emailed to the HSAC.
- Shall prepare presentations for the Resident Forums, Annual Incoming Trainee Welcome Event, and any other meetings or forms of communication for house staff.
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- Spousal Support Officer(s)
- Shall be the point of contact for the spousal support group.
- Shall be responsible for organizing support events.
- Shall provide resources (i.e: Day Care and things to do around El Paso).
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- Wellness Officer
- Shall lead the coordination of the Annual Fall and Spring Events.
- Shall search and plan for activities to promote wellness among residents.
- Shall be responsible for attending meetings if assigned officer is unable to attend.
- President:
- HSAC Subcommittees
- HSAC IT Subcommittee
- Shall be led by one of the HSAC officers
- Shall address resident related IT issues
- Will be responsible for providing updates on pending items to the HSAC
- HSAC CLER Subcommittee
- Shall be led by one of the HSAC officers
- Shall address and provide updates on items from the CLER report report to the HSAC
- HSAC IT Subcommittee
- House Staff Association Committee Officers will be selected amongst current and prospective representatives.
- Officers and Representatives may serve consecutive terms.
- Chief Residents from each department may nominate representatives from their respective departments annually.
- The HSAC President will begin discussions for nominations of new HSAC officers at the March HSAC meeting.
- Announcement of the new HSAC Officers will take place at the April/May meeting.
- Announcement of the new HSAC Representatives will take place at the HSAC May meeting.
- Terms of office shall be for one academic year, beginning July 1st of each year.
- Finances, which includes the GME Fund for Excellence shall be handled by the GME Office.
- Finances shall be subject to independent audit as determined by the Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education.
- Expenditures less than $500 may be approved by the HSAC President.
- Expenditures of more than $500 will be subject to a majority approval by the HSAC.
- Financial activities shall comply with institutional policies.
- Amendments to the bylaws shall be subject to majority approval by the House Staff Association Committee.