Visiting Students

It is the policy of Texas Tech Health El Paso to provide appropriate monitoring and oversight of all activities of all students, visitors, and others on campus. The Texas Tech Health El Paso campus is able to accommodate only certain programs; to this end, any activity must fall within the scope of this policy.

No informal observerships or mentoring are allowed. Only students in official programs and activities of this campus are allowed.

Faculty and staff members do not have the authority to engage, take on, or allow any other type of activity by any student, observer or any other category of person, unless in compliance with this policy.

This policy covers activities on the Texas Tech Health El Paso PLFSOM campus and at all remote sites to include the University Medical Center or other hospitals or facilities where faculty engage in their professional activities.

Any activity by a student not currently part of the Texas Tech Health El Paso student program (medical students, residents, nursing) must go through one of the areas listed below, prior to being on this campus: 

  • Vocational Colleges - currently this consists of proprietary schools that facilitate training in a health related field. Contact: Loretta Flores, Office of the Dean, (915) 783-5510.
  • High School/Undergraduate Student Programs - This includes programs for premedical students that are part of the pipeline into admissions. The student must be enrolled in an established program under the Office for Promotion of Community Achievement (OPCEA).  Contact: Rene Andre, Office of Admissions, (915) 783-5697.
  • Graduate Level Health Care Students - from affiliated institutions and United States accredited medical schools. This would include advance nurse practitioners, SRNA students, undergraduate nurses, physician assistant students, etc. Contact: Elizabeth Reeder, Office of Student Affairs, (915) 783-5130.
  • Post Graduate Level Health Care Practitioners - from affiliated institutions. This would include visiting graduate medical residents, advanced training (fellowship) for physician assistants and others pursuing training after graduation. Contact: Julissa Marquez, Office of Graduate Medical Education, (915) 545-5760.