Infection Control Screening

 All Texas Tech Health El Paso new employees are required to complete an infection control screening prior to the start of their employment, per Policy EP 7.1 - Infection Control Screening: New Employee, Student, Visitor

The infection control screening includes a review of communicable diseases and immunizations to establish immunity. Vaccinations are provided as needed.  

The review involves: 

  • Completion of the Infection Control and Tuberculosis Screening Forms
  • Rubella immunity assessment
  • Measles Immunity assessment
  • Varicella immunity assessment
  • Tuberculosis screening and follow-up
  • Hepatitis B vaccination assessment for employees who have potential for blood or body fluid exposure during the course of their employment
  • Tdap vaccination
  • Influenza vaccination assessment

Any required vaccinations/titers will be administered free of charge if adequate records are not available. Thus, it is strongly recommended to visit the Occupational Health Office during the Immunization Clinic hours listed below:

  • Monday: 3 - 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 8 - 11 a.m.
  • Wednesday: 8 - 11 a.m.
  • Friday: 8 - 11 a.m.

Please call the Occupational Health Office at 915-215-4429 if you have any questions.