Lactation at the Workplace

It is the policy of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso to encourage all of its pregnant and postpartum employees to consider breast-feeding their children as a means of promoting the health of both child and mother.

To this end, Texas Tech Health El Paso will support employees in their efforts to combine breast-feeding and work by providing a pumping station for those working at the Alberta Street location. Each Texas Tech Health El Paso location should establish a plan to provide a private area, storage facilities, a flexible schedule, and a clean safe water source, should an employee choose to pump her breast milk.

There is a lactation station located in Room D25AA in the basement of the clinic building, 4801 Alberta Avenue. It meets the minimum standards of House Bill 359, "Danburg - Breast-Feeding in public places." The room is available during working hours, with a hospital grade double electric pump, a comfortable chair, reading materials on lactation, a refrigerator for milk storage, disposable towels and disinfectant solution, a wall clock, and a door that locks.

The person wishing to use the lactation station must contact the lactation station coordinator by calling (915) 215-4201 as early as possible in her pregnancy in order to be placed on the users' schedule.