Letter from the Chair

Edmundo Calleros-Macias, M.D.
Dr. Arvin and Beverly Robinson-Furman Family Endowed Chair in Radiology
Associate Professor Department of Radiology
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center ElPaso
5001 El Paso Drive, MSC 41029|CSB-A02|El Paso, TX 79905
Email: Jesus.Calleros@ttuhsc.edu

Dr. Calleros

Welcome to the Department of Radiology at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) and the Paul L. Foster School of MedicineOur campus includes the Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing, the Woody L. Hunt School of Dental Medicine, and the L. Frederick Francis Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. 

 Texas Tech Health El Paso all four educationl buildings

University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is our primary, clinical teaching hospital.  UMC is a busy, Level I trauma hospital providing medical and surgical care to the residents of El Paso, El Paso County and the surrounding region, including New Mexico and Juárez, Mexico. Our radiology department has state-of-the-art imaging equipment in plain radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, nuclear medicine, breast imaging and ultrasound. El Paso Children’s Hospital opened in February 2012 and is located adjacent to UMC. Our department is fully digital with SECTRA PACS integrated with Cerner Electronic Medical Records and PowerScribe360 dictation platforms. We perform and interpret between 15,000 – 18,000 radiology exams per month. 

Texas Tech Health El Paso has a distinguished history in residency training beginning in 2008. The residency training program is divided into specialty radiology sections of abdominal imaging, vascular and interventional radiology, breast imaging, ultrasound, emergency radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, neuroradiology, nuclear radiology, pediatric radiology, and thoracic radiology. Residents rotate through the sub-specialty areas and work closely with faculty members who have established expertise in these disciplines. The program currently has 17 faculty members (soon to be 19 faculty), 12 residents, a body imaging fellowship and women’s imaging fellowship. We also offer one resident in each class the opportunity to select the ESIR program (Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology).   

The residency is designed to enable learners to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and judgment necessary for competence and expertise in the practice of radiology. This is primarily achieved by involvement in clinical case management under the supervision and guidance of the faculty. Formal teaching supplements this educational process by providing lectures, demonstrations and conferences, as well as electronic teaching aids. Weekly conferences given by our faculty are supplemented by weekly teleconferences with MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. 

You may find the web links below helpful in learning more about our university, residency and medical center. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

https://ttuhscep.edu/  University 

https://ttuhscep.edu/som/radiology/  Department of Radiology 

https://www.facebook.com/umcofelpaso/?rf=559820370840030 University Medical Center of El Paso 

https://vimeo.com/378672390?ref=em-share El Paso Community