TT HealthWatch – Week of October 30, 2017
This week’s topics include health and wealth, gun show sales and gun injury, management of epilepsy, and outcomes relative to robotic surgery.
Texas Tech Health El Paso is providing notice of a recent incident which may impact the information of certain individuals. Read more.
This week’s topics include health and wealth, gun show sales and gun injury, management of epilepsy, and outcomes relative to robotic surgery.
This week’s topics include Medicare spending on frail elderly, resorbable stents, men with HPV, and procalcitonin to assess antibiotic need.
This week’s topics include predicting mortality in those with congestive heart failure, bystander CPR impact, best management of stable COPD, and NOACs and bleeding risk.
This week’s topics include how the Zika virus changed, outcomes after surgery and health literacy, e-cigarettes and healthcare costs, and a reaction to tattooing.
This week’s topics include aspirin discontinuation risks, HIV in those 50 and older, big data and chronic lung disease, and genetic testing and warfarin use.
This week’s topics include physician assisted suicide, preventing infection post-C-section in obese women, 12 year outcomes of bariatric surgery, and death among triathletes.
This week’s topics include hospital factors relative to readmission, hormone therapy, lymph node dissection in breast cancer, and the cost of bringing a new drug to market.
This week’s topics include a new antibody for asthma, early treatment in COPD, mumps vaccine to curtail an outbreak, and medical exemptions from routine vaccinations.
This week’s topics include advance directive impact, approval of high risk medical devices by FDA, maintenance of certification for physicians, and cardiovascular disease impact of a new agent for type 2 diabetes.
This week’s topics include outcomes for payment, on- or off-pump CABG, cannabis for pain or PTSD, and the cognitive impact of a PCSK-9 inhibitor.
This week’s topics include complications of aortic valve surgery, effectiveness of nasal flu vaccination, testing for Epstein Barr virus and nasopharyngeal cancer, and hepatitis C treatment.
This week’s topics include antibody depletion for kidney transplantation, a way to reverse dabigatran, the costs of board certification, and opioid use in the US population.
This week’s topics include football and CTE, discontinuing statins, intramuscular HIV meds, and long term risks of stroke and TIA.
This week’s topics include diet quality and longevity, health and coffee, treating depression, and prostatectomy in early prostate cancer.
This week’s topics include comparison of two types of insulin, reduced sudden cardiac death in heart failure, ADHD and educational achievement, and fasting versus consistent caloric restriction in weight loss and cholesterol.
This week’s topics include a novel vaccine delivery method, aspirin and preeclampsia, air pollution and mortality in seniors, and exercise and dementia.
This week’s topics include international obesity, a lack of benefit to self-monitoring glucose, driving and ADHD, and antibiotic use in the hospital and adverse events.
This week’s topics include ultra-long acting insulin, dressed up veggies, lithium during pregnancy, and a new risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
This week’s topics include patient monitoring of cancer symptoms and survival, negative impact of alcohol consumption, lymph node dissection in melanoma, and significance of small aneurysms in brain.
This week’s topics include treating resistant hepatitis C infection, a new regimen for breast cancer, evolution of non-small cell lung cancer, and minocycline for MS.
This week’s topics include physician age and outcomes, abortion via telemedicine, age to begin screening for cardiovascular disease, and vaccination of travelers.
This week’s topics include cancer mutations in endometriosis, adverse events with novel agents approved by the FDA, a diet for gout, and the utility of the NHLBI database.
This week’s topics include managing preeclampsia, diet soft drinks and stroke, autoimmune conditions and malaria, and fecal immunochemical testing and colorectal cancer.
This week’s topics include the dangers of short term corticosteroids, troponin assay for assessing MI, azithromycin and arrhythmia, and eye screening intervals for people with diabetes.
This week’s topics include deaths relative to diabetes, increases in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes among US youth, the benefits of spinal manipulation for low back pain, and draft recommendations regarding prostate cancer screening.
This week’s topics include weight and mortality, normal BMI and cardiovascular risk factors, flu vaccination and mortality in kids, and an increased incidence of thyroid cancer.
This week’s topics include a single novel prosthesis report, the benefits of knee replacement, resorbable stents, and health policy on opioid prescription and treatment for addiction.
This week’s topics include ‘drip and ship,’ direct to consumer ads, steroid injections for low back pain, and cancer mutations.
This week’s topics include managing after DVT, anticoagulation in folks with a-fib, surviving with cystic fibrosis, and where to have rehabilitation after knee replacement.
This week’s topics include how often women need pelvic exams, what we can learn from the oldest old, mouse allergens and asthma, and cardiometabolic death and diet.
This week’s topics include testosterone supplementation, acupuncture and migraines, cardiac devices and MRI, and stem cell transplantation for MS.
This week’s topics include light treatment and Parkinson’s, ultrasound for bone healing, knee pain treatment over the Internet, and maintaining weight loss.
This week’s topics include risks of gestational diabetes, managing low back pain, ED physician opioid prescribing, and cooling the scalp for chemotherapy.
This week’s topics include sickle cell trait and HbA1c, carcinogen levels and e-cigarettes, mutations and myelodysplastic syndrome, and kids ingesting pet medicines.
This week’s topics include heart problems and e-cigarettes, aortic valve replacement, the health impact of low socioeconomic status, and real life lung cancer screening data.
This week’s topics include at home sleep studies, an antibody for C.difficile infection, using big data to examine medical devices, and language concordance and type 2 diabetes control.
This week’s topics include coronary calcium scans and hypertension, a look at tonsillectomy, asthma in adults, and diabetes in China.
This week’s topics include managing earwax, metformin and other diseases, atypical antipsychotics in palliative care, and firearm purchase without a background check.
This week’s topics include a review of sugar recommendations, preventing readmissions to the hospital, benefits of fish oil in pregnancy, and a look at healthcare spending.
If you are a faculty or staff member or student of TTU, TTUHSC, Texas Tech Health El Paso or ASU and think you may have COVID-19 (coronavirus), Email us or call 915-215-SICK(7425) to speak with a nurse.