Radiology Research
Research is an integral component of the TTUHSC Department of Radiology, essential for improving and strengthening our educational and clinical efforts. Our faculty, fellows, residents, and medical research assistants are committed to the advancement of innovative radiological services through improving imaging methods, testing instrumentation, and promoting basic and clinical research in medical imaging and related fields. Our division of research has grown significantly this year, counting now with a multidisciplinary focus and the collaboration of a newly established biostatistics and epidemiology consulting lab. Faculty and researchers around the campus collaborate with our radiologists to perform research with and to work in the close integration between disease-oriented and technology programs.
Quec tassumquidis dit diorehendam deliber issitatum faccus ilit, qui doluptata nobita nestiosae porpor aut voloreped magnisi.Ecullaut eossimus solor sequos exceaqu aeperundio. Elita
Quec tassumquidis dit diorehendam deliber issitatum faccus ilit, qui doluptata nobita nestiosae porpor aut voloreped magnisi.Ecullaut eossimus solor sequos exceaqu aeperundio. Elita
Quec tassumquidis dit diorehendam deliber issitatum faccus ilit, qui doluptata nobita nestiosae porpor aut voloreped magnisi.Ecullaut eossimus solor sequos exceaqu aeperundio. Elita