Residents Profiles

Hometown: Guadalajara, Mexico
Undergrad: Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara
Medical School: Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
Favorite Thing About El Paso/Region: Great variety of outdoor activities, sunsets, friendly people and food quality
Hobbies: Beer and food enthusiast, boxing, playing drums, traveling, hiking and spend time with my wife and our three cats
Areas of Interest: Forensic Pathology

Hometown: Dallas, TX.
Undergrad: University of Texas at Dallas
Medical School: UT Health San Antonio
Favorite Thing About El Paso/Region: The food, mountains, and friendly people
Hobbies: Reading, piano, and spending time with family
Areas of Interest: Still not fully decided, but I currently have an interest in hematopathology, molecular pathology, and informatics

Hometown: Tustin, California
Undergrad: Humboldt State University (Now Cal Poly Humboldt)
Medical School: California University of Science and Medicine
Favorite Thing About El Paso/Region: I am looking forward to exploring the hiking, climbing and other outdoor activities in the area.
Hobbies: Hiking, backpacking, climbing and woodworking
Areas of interest: Forensic pathology

Hometown: Bozeman, Montana
Undergraduate: Montana State University
Medical education: West Virginia University School of Medicine
Favorite Things About El Paso: All the sunshine and desert trails!
Hobbies: Running, hiking, cycling, reading, loving cats
Areas of interest: Hemepath and blood bank/transfusion medicine

Hometown: El Mansoura, Egypt
Undergraduate: Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine
Medical education: Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine
Favorite Things About El Paso: The beautiful sky, mountains, variable plants especially palm trees, wonderful very friendly people
Hobbies: Cooking and spending quality time with my family
Areas of interest: Breast pathology and soft tissue pathology