Pathology residents are encouraged and supported by faculty to write case studies in areas of anatomic and clinical pathology for publication. In addition to numerous potential publications from clinical cases, residents will have opportunities to lead quality improvement initiatives in all areas of anatomic and clinical pathology. Furthermore, potential sources of publication material will come from collaborative work with residents and attending physicians from other Texas Tech Health El Paso medical departments and disciplines.

Our pathology department periodically publishes a newsletter, Path-O-Gram, that is distributed throughout our institution. These publications include clinical and management topics in all areas of anatomic and clinical pathology, and residents will have many opportunities to publish in our Path-O-Gram. These publications can lead to journal publications as well as presentations at local and national conferences.

Our pathology department has faculty with board certification and/or specialty training in neuropathology, cytopathology, forensics pathology, renal pathology, pediatric pathology, dermatopathology, ocular pathology, breast and gynecologic pathology, hematopathology, cytogenetics, transfusion medicine/blood banking, clinical molecular genetics, clinical chemistry, and clinical toxicology.

Main pathology procedures that residents will be trained in performing, interpreting, and reporting include fine-needle aspirations, bone marrow collections, and autopsies.

With program approval, pathology residents will be supported by the department to attend conferences when presenting their pathology-related research. These may include local, regional, and/or national meetings. The pathology department leads annual local educational conferences in anatomic and clinical pathology where residents will have many opportunities to present their areas of interest.