Gynecology Rounds

Morning rounds

You are expected to round every morning with your assigned team. The first, red highlighted column of your general schedule, tells you which service you will be rounding on. Rounds generally begin between 5:45 and 6:00 a.m. with the intern. The time that you have to arrive will depend on the patient volume. After the first day you can ask the intern what time they would like you to show up. DO NOT arrive late. You are expected to see at least two patients during morning rounds and be prepared to present if the faculty asks.

Rounds Hospital Floor Charts Labels
CNM 3rd White
Antepartum 3rd (sometimes 4th) Yellow
Comp OB 3rd (sometimes 4th) Orange or Orange and White
Gynecology 5th (sometimes 6th) Look for "GYN" patients on the roster at the front desk. Get the room numbers. The patients charts will be outside the room.

ALL patients that you see MUST be checked out with a resident. If time and your clinical skills permit you may and are encouraged to see more patients on morning rounds. An exception is when you are assigned to round with the certified nurse midwives on routine postpartum patients. You will begin rounds at 7 a.m. on the third floor of Thomason (therefore, you will not be at morning report). Once rounds with the midwives are complete you will then go to your assigned daily activity (see daily schedule).

Morning report

Morning report begins promptly at 7 a.m. in the multi-purpose room on the third floor of Thomason adjacent to labor and delivery. This is a time where patients who were delivered or cared for during the night are presented. If you were on call the night before be prepared to present the patients that you cared for. Morning report is Monday through Friday 7 to 7:30 a.m.

Gynecology faculty teaching rounds

The students who are assigned to round on Gyn will participated in Gyn faculty teaching rounds. Mondays and Wednesdays this will occur at various times during the day depending on the OR schedule. On these days you will report first to the OR with the residents at approximately 7:30 a.m. Once the OR cases are done for the day rounds should occur. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays Gyn faculty rounds will begin after morning report.

Operating rooms

The Gynecology team operates three days a week. The operating rooms are located on the first floor of Thomason Hospital. The OR begins at 7:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays and at 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays. You are expected to scrub in on all teaching cases. If a surgery is not deemed a good "teaching" case and you are excused by the resident or faculty member, you may use this time to read. However, you will need to remain in close proximity to the operating rooms to assist on other cases or be available for emergencies.


The following clinics are held in the Clinical Building on the second floor. The clinic is divided into four areas. You must be in clinic no later than 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Afternoon rounds

Afternoon rounds occur on the gynecology and comp OB services. The time in which these rounds occur will vary from day to day depending the workload. You need to check with your senior resident to see when afternoon rounds will occur.