Faculty Handbook
Texas Tech Health El Paso Institutional Mission Statement
The mission of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso is to improve the lives of people in our State and our community by focusing on the unique health care needs of socially and culturally diverse border populations through excellence in integrated education, research, and patient care.
Mission Statement: Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
The mission of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine is to provide an outstanding education and development opportunities for a diverse group of students, residents, faculty and staff; advance knowledge through innovation and research; and serve the needs of our socially and culturally diverse communities and regions.
Vision Statement
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Paul L. Foster School of Medicine will promote wellness and relieve human suffering through excellence in healthcare, intellectual innovation and service to the border region.
Faculty Handbook
- TTU System Board of Regent's Rules
- Texas Tech Health El Paso Operating Policies and Procedures
- Texas Tech Health El Paso Organizational Chart
- Texas Tech Health El Paso Faculty Senate
- Benefits
- Employee Assistance Program
- Professional Conduct
- Standard of Conduct and Ethics Guide (HSCEP OP 52.06)
- Alcohol and Illegal Drugs (HSCEP OP 10.03)
- Guidelines: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (HSCEP OP 10.03, Attachment A)
- Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, and Title IX Policy and Complaint Procedure
- Consensual Relationships - Faculty, Staff and Residents (HSCEP OP 70.55)
- Consensual Relationship - Faculty and Students (HSCEP OP 60.06)
- Recruitment and Appointment
- Work Hours, Leave, Compensation and Development
- Digital Measures
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure for Violations of Employment and Other Laws (HSCEP OP 51.02)
- Evaluation
- PLFSOM Guidelines for faculty Appointment, Tenure and Promotion
- Annual Faculty Evaluations
- Faculty Grievance
- PLFSOM Grievance Policy (In Development)
- Faculty Grievance Procedure (HSCEP OP 60.10)
- IT Help Information
- Professional Development
- Faculty Affairs
- Medical Education Program Goals and Objectives
- Faculty Policy on Visiting Students and Trainees
- Student Affairs
- Graduate Medical Education
- Consensual Relationship - Faculty and Students (HSCEP OP 60.06)
- Consensual Relationships - Faculty, Staff and Residents (HSCEP OP 70.55)
- Office of Continuing Medical Education
- Standards of Behavior in the Learning Environment
- Appropriate Treatment of Medical Students
- Module on Improving the Learning Environment
- Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- Sponsored Programs
- Contracting and Budgetary Authorities and Policies (HSCEP OP 54.01)
- Honesty in Research and Allegations of Scientific Misconduct (HSCEP OP 73.07)
- Faculty Policy on Visiting Students and Trainees
- Human Research Protection Program
- PLFSOM Research Policies
- Indirect Cost Redistribution Policy
- Animal Care and Use Resources
- Institutional Biohazard Committee
- iRIS Research Software
- Recombinant DNA Biosafety Resources
- Solicitation of gifts and Grants from Private Philanthropic Sources(HSCEP OP 2.02)
- Acceptance of Gifts and Grants from Private Philanthropic Sources(HSCEP OP 2.03)
- Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Research Core Labs