Information for Family & Friends

Understanding Mental Health

It's common for college students to experience mental health challenges. Students tend to turn to friends and family for support before seeking assistance from mental health professionals; however, seeking help early on can alleviate distress and prevent minor issues from escalating into crises. Family and friends can be an important support and resource for students. 

How to Help

If you know a student who is experiencing psychological distress, you can support them in many ways. 

Simply being present and offering a listening ear without judgment can make a significant difference. Letting the student know they're not alone and that someone cares about them can be incredibly comforting. You can also encourage the student to express their feelings and thoughts openly. Validate their emotions and provide reassurance that it's okay to seek help when needed.

You may offer to accompany the student to counseling appointments or help them research and connect with mental health professionals if they're open to it. Provide gentle encouragement and support throughout the process.

Concerned about a Student?

If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a student, please call 911.

If you are concerned about a student but don’t believe they are in immediate danger, you may contact the Student Affairs office for their respective school.

Foster School of Medicine


Francis School of Biomedical Sciences


Hunt School of Dental Medicine


Hunt School of Nursing


Community Resources

There is a variety of free and confidential resources available to students in the El Paso community. You can find more information about these resources on our community resources page.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The Student Support Center provides confidential services to students. We are legally and ethically obligated to protect students’ privacy unless there are immediate concerns about a student’s safety or the safety of others.