On-Campus Counseling Services

The Student Support Center provides campus-based mental health care for Texas Tech Health El Paso students without additional cost or insurance requirements.
To schedule an appointment, enrolled students can follow the instructions below.
- Navigate to the Portal through link following the QR Code.
- Use your eRaider username and password to sign in.
- Once logged in, search for the Titanium Icon on the portal's homepage.
- Click on the icon to access the Student Support Center portal.
- Once in the form page, feel in all required fields marked by a red asterisk and click “next”.
- Submit the form and follow any additional instructions.
- Once the information has been submitted, we’ll contact you between the next 24-48 hours for the next steps.
Enrolled students may also call the number below or submit an email (provide name, availability and contact number) to make an appointment.
Drop-in support is available 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Phone: 915-215-TALK (8255)
Email: support.elp@ttuhsc.edu
Location: MSBII Suite 2C201
Students who are currently enrolled in at least one course at Texas Tech Health El Paso are eligible for services through the Student Support Center during the corresponding semester. Students who were enrolled during the previous spring semester and are registered for the upcoming fall semester are eligible for summer services. Students who are on a Leave of Absence (LOA) and have a planned return date within 1 year may be eligible for services on a case-by-case basis depending on staff caseload and availability.
What to expect:
During your intake consultation, your counselor will hear your concerns, ask you some questions, and consider how the counseling center can best meet your needs. The counselor will then provide you with their recommendation of what service will best fit your needs (i.e. individual therapy, workshops, self-help, consultation or referral)
Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the SSC for consultation related to student difficulties; however, counseling services for staff and faculty are provided by the Employee Assistance Program.
Information shared by individuals in a counseling session or attendance at the SSC is kept in strict confidence. Information is never disclosed outside of the SSC without written permission, with the exception of the following:
- Abuse of Children, Elderly, or Disabled Persons:
If counselors have reason to believe that a child under the age of 18, an elderly person, or a disabled person is being abused or neglected, they are legally obligated to report this situation to the appropriate state agency. - Imminent Harm to Self:
If counselors have reason to believe that you are in danger of physically harming yourself, and if you are unwilling or unable to follow treatment recommendations, they may have to make an involuntary referral to a hospital and/or contact a family member or another person who may be able to help protect you. - Imminent Harm to Others:
If counselors have reason to believe that you are seriously threatening physical violence against another person, or if you have a history of physically violent behavior, and if they believe that you are an actual threat to the safety of another person, they may take action (i.e., contacting the police, notifying the other person, seeking involuntary hospitalization, or some combination of these actions) to ensure that the other person is protected. - Reports of Sexual Exploitation by a Therapist
- Court Orders for Records Release, Depositions, Testimony
Please Note: The exceptions to confidentiality are extremely rare. Should this occur, it is SSC policy, when possible, to discuss with you any action that is being considered. Legally the SSC is not obligated to seek your permission, especially if such a discussion would prevent us from securing your safety or the safety of others. Should the disclosure of confidential information become necessary, only the information necessary to protect you and/or another person's physical safety is released.