Faculty Handbook
Texas Tech Health El Paso Institutional Mission Statement
The mission of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso is to improve the lives of people in our State and our community by focusing on the unique health care needs of socially and culturally diverse border populations through excellence in integrated education, research, and patient care.
Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Texas Tech Health El Paso Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing (GGHSON) is to provide quality educational programs and advance excellence in health care for diverse populations through programs of scholarship, research, practice and service.
Vision Statement
The GGHSON will be nationally recognized, propelled by visionary leadership, innovative educational programs and a commitment to robust research and practice programs. Our values adhere to the highest standards of integrity and quality related to innovative education, practice, research and service. We value individual uniqueness, a spirit of trust, caring, and open communication and team work. Loyal, creative and culturally diverse students, faculty and staff are our dedicated community of stakeholders.
Faculty Handbook
- Benefits
- EAP Policy HSCEP OP 70.38
- Professional Conduct
- Standard of Conduct and Ethics Guide (HSCEP OP 52.06)
- Alcohol and Illegal Drugs (HSCEP OP 10.03)
- Guidelines: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (HSCEP OP 10.03, Attachment A)
- Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, and Title IX Policy and Complaint Procedure
- Consensual Relationships - Faculty, Staff and Residents (HSCEP OP 70.55)
- Consensual Relationship - Faculty and Students (HSCEP OP 60.06)
- Recruitment and Appointment
- Work Hours, Leave, Compensation and Development
- Watermark Faculty Success
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure for Violations of Employment and Other Laws (HSCEP OP 51.02)
- IT Help Information
- Professional Development