American College of Surgeons Medical Student Membership

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) provides a medical student category of membership. Membership benefits include:

  • Advocacy work for you and your patients at both the federal and state levels.
  • A major visibility program to enhance your public image, underscoring why surgeons are an essential and integral part of this country’s health care delivery system.
  • Robust research data and programs focused on outcomes and other quality issues.
  • Monthly periodicals and freestanding publications.
  • Scholarships and Fellowships.
  • Educational programs to help you stay up to date and ahead of the curve while meeting your continuing medical education requirements.
  • Active committees for all members including young surgeons, surgical residents, and medical students.
  • Insurance products and many other benefits.

Before you apply:

  • Your current contact information.
  • Letter of recommendation from department chair.
  • Information about your military service, if applicable.
  • There is a $ 20 fee.

To apply:

  1. Enter the ACS website.
  2. On the home page click on Member Services.
  3. Select Become a Member.
  4. Select Medical Student.