Current Fellows
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division
Welcomes the 2023-2025 Fellows:
First Year
Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TX
What you like about the program: Everyone is really caring and helpful. It feels more like a family than a residency
What you like about El Paso: The sunny weather, Majestic views, & small town feel with super friendly people.
Food is great, and plenty to do on free time.
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: Spending time with loved ones & everything movies and television. Plus, working
Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TX
What you like about the program: Everyone is very welcoming.
What you like about El Paso: It’s my hometown! I love the community.
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: I am interested in child and adolescent fellowship.
Medical School: Universidad Central Del Caribe, Bayamón, Puerto Rico
What you like about the program: I’m very grateful for the supportive community that facullty and residents help foster
in the program. It makes it a joy to come to work.
What you like about El Paso: El Paso is home to some of the friendliest people I’ve met. The fact that it’s a border
community, I have the opportunity to serve patients in both English and Spanish. I
also love going to the Chihuahuas games!
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: I’m interested in child and adolescent psychiatry as well as forensic psychiatry.
I enjoy spending time with friends and co-residents (who’ve become like my family
here), going to the movies, and traveling.
Second Year

Medical School: Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine
What you like about the program: How caring the faculty are, the diverse patient population and the diverse settings we get to work in. There is also such a great balance in patient interaction and teachings. We also have the unique opportunity to receive additional trainings in ADOS, EMDR, other types of therapies and trainings we are interested in. The program encourages us to participate in as many as we can.
What you like about El Paso: It's a big city with a small-town feel. The people are nice, and there is a lot to do.
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: I like reading, watching movies with my husband, and spending time with our three dogs. I want to work with underserved kids after fellowship and give back to the community.
Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine
What you like about the program: The fascinating diversity of educational and clinical Psychiatry experience, pathology, biopsychosocial factors, cultural integration, and the level of support from seniors and supervisors at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso is un-matched. Deeply integrated comradery, educational exposure, and unique experiences are really the ropes that pull individuals into the Psychiatry Program at Texas TechTTUHSC El Paso.
What you like about El Paso: The average of 302 bright, yellow, sunny days, along with the diversity of cultural exposure that is unmatched. Being a border town, there is a melting pot of diversity which provides unique experiences and broadens horizons of exposure and growth.
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: After completing my adult Psychiatry training, I will be doing a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso. Given my strong passion for child and adolescent psychiatry combined with my dedication to serving, I seek to advocate for my patients by empowering their voice at leadership and advocacy platforms. Growing up as a first generation American, I continuously saw a huge disparity in mental health in the American culture and more so in the South Asian culture. I wanted to be a part of a revolution in the mental health field that serves this vulnerable population requiring holistic care through advocacy, education, research, and transformation. I believe prevention and early intervention in children and adolescent’s life can create a lifelong lasting impact. The challenging nature of working with this vulnerable population and hoping to create a lifelong impact that could change their life is rewarding and what inspires me to be a future child and adolescent psychiatrist.

Medical School: Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine
What you like about the program: The Texas Tech Health El Paso Child and Adolescent Psychiatry program provides a great balance between medication management and therapy. Our attendings are very approachable, work closely with us, and encourage our individual passions.
What you like about El Paso: One of the beauties of living in El Paso is the guaranteed 300 days of shine. If I’m not seeing a good movie in theaters with friends, then I might be traveling to another warm destination for some relaxation.
Interests/Passion/Career Goals: I hope to become comfortable treating more patients with neurodevelopmental disorders as a future child and adolescent psychiatrist.