Pediatric Clerkship

The department of pediatrics and each of its subspecialties are fully committed to your education in the field of children in the most memorable way!
As of July 2011, the pediatric and OB/Gyn clerkships have combined for a 16 week block (8 Peds/8 OB). We are looking forward to this new integrated curriculum which will be a unique experience in which the student will be able to follow a patient from before birth through the first well-baby checkup.
The affiliation of the Paul L. Foster Medical School with the new El Paso Children's Hospital (Spring 2011) will greatly improve the care of children in the border region and will also stimulate education, research, and new careers in the field of pediatrics.
With the advent of the Children's Hospital, the department of pediatrics will be adding a variety of new specialists. This will result in several new fourth year electives that we will be able to offer in the near future. This will be in addition to the variety of electives that we currently offer, including Pediatric Pulmonology, Infectious Disease, Cardiology, and Oncology.
We are proud of the fact that your pediatric clerkship rotation will provide you with the necessary skills to deal with both healthy and sick children throughout your professional career, as well as foster advocacy for the health and well-being of children and their families in the border region and beyond!
General Medical Students Links
- Minimum Responsibilities
- Attendance Policy
- Student Work Hours Policy
- Peds Dress Code Policy
- GPC Review
- Student Handbook
Medical Students Third Year
Clerkship Director - Lynn J. Hernan, M.D.
- Clippcases via
- Lecture Schedule
- Paperwork due while in CLINIC
- Paperwork due while in NURSERY
- Paperwork due while in WARD
- Paperwork due while in PEDS SPECIALTY
- Online Patient Log Information
- Study Information (Notes)
- WebCT
Medical Students Fourth Year
Director - Blanca Garcia, M.D.