Immunizations, Health Insurance, and Disability Insurance

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The Association of American Medical Colleges states that all students should be immunized against a number of infectious diseases for their own safety and the safety of others. All matriculating students must be compliant with the school's immunization requirements in order to register for classes.

Students will be required to be up-to-date on their immunizations and provide documentation of immunization against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A and B, and meningitis. Because of the school’s location on the border and requirement by the principal teaching hospital, students must also demonstrate serologic protective titers against varicella, rubella, and rubeola. A tuberculin or equivalent test will also be required in the six-month period prior to beginning the curriculum and annually thereafter. A chest radiograph will be accepted only if the student is known to be skin-test positive.

Students are expected to have health insurance coverage for each semester enrolled. Students should be prepared to provide proof of coverage at the time of registration. The Office of Student Affairs will make available information on student health insurance providers for all registered students of the school of medicine. Students may investigate other insurance plans or be enrolled in a parent's or spouse's plan.

Each student is assessed a fee during of $46.80 in the fall of each academic year to purchase long-term disability insurance. The amount of coverage is negotiated annually. Additional disability insurance may be purchased by the student if desired.