
You are currently viewing the 2016–17 PLFSOM school catalog.

Please submit your application online through TMDSAS at

When notified to do so, please submit the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine secondary application.

Applicants selected for an interview will be notified.

Application Timeline

Filing of Applications

  • Earliest Date: May 1
  • Latest Date:  October 1

Interview Period

  • August – January
  • Interviews are conducted on Thursdays during this period.

Acceptance Notice

  • Pre-Match Open Acceptance Period: November 15 – December 31

Texas Match

  • Applicants will rank all schools where they have interviewed regardless of whether or not they are holding a pre-match offer.
  • Applicant preference list due to TMDSAS: January 10
  • Applicant Match Day: February 1
  • There are 100 seats in the entering class. Any seats that become open after the match will be filled from the alternate list.