Material Transfer Agreement

IMPORTANT: Before an Incoming Material Transfer Agreement (IMTA) can be finalized, researchers must complete and secure all relevant compliance approvals from IBC, IACUC, (e.g., if the material is biohazardous, of human origin, or involves animals). Any additional compliance approvals may delay the IMTA process.

Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) govern the exchange of research materials between individuals at separate institutions or organizations. They address ownership, intellectual property, publications, and liability related to the use of research materials, among other issues. An MTA is a binding written contract between parties that governs the use of the exchanged material. MTAs often reflect the fact that one of the parties has a proprietary interest in the material under exchange and the other party intends to use the material for his/her own research purposes.

Texas Tech Health El Paso researchers should contact Sponsored Programs (SP) for either an IMTA or an Outgoing MTA (OMTA).

SP Point of Contact:


Incoming and Outgoing MTA Procedures

IMTA — A researcher requesting an IMTA to receive material from another institution must submit the following documentation to SP:

  • A complete IMTA route sheet and the provider’s MTA via email.
  • SP will review the submission to ensure compliance with institutional policies and negotiates any revisions that may be needed.
  • If the IMTA contains language that affects TTUHSC’s intellectual property rights or conflicts with laws of the State of Texas, the TTU System Office of Technology and Commercialization or legal counsel may also be asked to review the document.
  • When the agreement has been finalized, SP will coordinate signatures. Both parties will then receive a PDF copy of the fully executed IMTA for your records.

OMTA — A researcher sending material to an outside institution or company should submit to SP the following documentation:

  • A complete OMTA route sheet via email. The information will be used to determine which OMTA document will be implemented and whether further information needs to be included.
  • SP will coordinate the creation of, and any proposed changes to, the MTA with the requested outside institution and copy the Texas Tech Health El Paso researcher on the correspondence.
  • When the agreement has been finalized, SP will coordinate signatures. Both parties will then receive a PDF copy of the fully executed IMTA for your records.