Constitution of the Faculty Senate

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Article I: Name

The name of this organization is the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (Texas Tech Health El Paso), referred to hereafter as the Faculty Senate or Senate.


Article II: Authority

The Faculty Senate acts on the authority delegated to it by the president of Texas Tech Health El Paso.

The Faculty Senate shall have such officers, committees, rules and procedures as provided by its Bylaws and Constitution.

The university, through the Office of the President or another office designated by the president, shall provide financial and/or administrative resources to support Faculty Senate activities designated in its Bylaws. Each year, the Faculty Senate shall create a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which will be presented to the president or his/her designee for approval.


Article III: Purpose

The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to (a) provide a voice for all university faculty regarding issues that may affect their rights, privileges or responsibilities as they apply to teaching, research or clinical services; (b) serve as an advisory body to the university president; and (c) serve as a forum for communication and collaboration among its member schools.

The Faculty Senate, through recommendation by the president or other officers/administrators of the university, shall:

  • Consider issues affecting faculty as it deems appropriate;
  • Provide input and recommendations in the formulation of clinical, educational or research policies affecting faculty at multiple schools;
  • Provide input regarding policies, programs or other matters that university administrators, school faculties/governing bodies or individual faculty members submit to the Faculty Senate for review;
  • Help create, maintain and facilitate a campus environment conducive to the growth of health care, scholarship, creativity, learning, teaching, research, service and respect for human dignity;
  • Work with other organizations, committees or departments to further enhance the stature and effectiveness of the university.


Article IV: Faculty Senate Membership

The Faculty Senate will consist of representatives (Senators) from each of Texas Tech Health El Paso’s schools, as described in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

Election of Senators
Senators will be elected by the voting faculty within their schools in concordance with the Faculty Bylaws.

Faculty Senate Committees
The Faculty Senate shall have both standing and ad hoc committees. All voting faculty are eligible to be appointed to Faculty Senate committees.


Article V: Officers

Officers of the Faculty Senate, who are elected in accordance with the Faculty Senate Bylaws, will be the president, president-elect, and past-president. Only senators are eligible to serve as officers.


Article VI: Meetings

All meetings will be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Meetings of the Faculty Senate
All Faculty Senate meetings shall be held as detailed in the Faculty Bylaws.  


Article VII: Amending the Constitution

This Constitution may be amended by proposal within the Faculty Senate. After verifying that the proposal is compliant with Texas Tech Health El Paso operating policies and the Texas Tech University System Board of Regents Regents’ Rules, the proposed amendment shall be circulated to university faculty for review and comment. Comments on the proposed revision may be sent in writing or by email to the president of the Faculty Senate. The proposed amendment must then be approved by at least 51 percent of the voting faculty. Amendments adopted via this process must then be submitted to the university president for review and approval and will become effective immediately upon his/her approval.  


Article VIII: Initial Ratification of the Constitution

The Constitution of the Faculty Senate shall be ratified and become effective upon approval by the governing body of each Texas Tech Health El Paso school and the Texas Tech Health El Paso president.