Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Meets monthly
The Executive Committee assists the Faculty Senate president in all aspects of managing the Faculty Senate’s affairs, including the setting of the agenda for all regular Faculty Senate meetings.
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is responsible for advising and monitoring the activities of all standing and ad hoc committees, and may develop additional charges for these committees at any time during the fiscal year.
The Executive Committee oversees the reviews of all institutional operating policies that are referred to the Faculty Senate and assigns reviews to the appropriate Faculty Senate committees. The Executive Committee will also appoint an ad hoc committee to review and update the Faculty Bylaws at least every two years. The Executive Committee is responsible for drafting the annual budget for the Faculty Senate.
Abhizith Deoker, M.D.
Faculty Senate President
Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
Stormy Monks, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Faculty Senate President-Elect
Associate Professor
Director of Emergency Medicine
Robert A. Danforth, D.D.S.
Nominating Committee Chair
Oral Maxillofacial Radiology
Woody L. Hunt School of Dental Medicine