Research & Scholarly Activity

The Texas Tech Health El Paso residency program fosters, encourages resident scholarly activity, and the ACGME requires residents to participate in some type of scholarly activity during their three-year residency. While all residents complete at least one project by graduation, many residents are involved in more.

White wearing blue gloves and holding a test tube.

Resident research and publications include:

  • Quality Improvement
  • Participation in funded and non-funded basic science or clinical outcomes research projects.
  • Abstracts, posters, or presentations given at national and/or regional conferences
  • Lecture or presentation (such as grand rounds, journal club or case presentations)
  • Book chapters or textbooks

The program works closely with faculty and residents to provide opportunities for research during training to prepare residents who are interested in careers in research settings. All residents are encouraged to and supported in learning foundational principles that are needed to apply evidence-based data and legal, ethical, and regulatory principles to clinical practice.