School of Dental Medicine Financial Aid

Dental Resident

  First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
TUITION  $      31,275  $        31,275  $        31,275  $        31,275
FEES  $      13,479  $      13,479  $      13,479  $      13,604
SUPPLIES   $        5,300  $                -  $                -  $                -
TRANS  $        5,820  $        5,820  $        5,820  $        4,365
PER EXPS  $      12,732  $      12,732  $      12,732  $        9,549
LIVING EXPENSES  $      27,528  $      27,528  $      27,528  $      20,646
TOTAL  $      96,134  $      90,834  $      90,834  $      79,439

Dental Non-Resident

  First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
TUITION  $      52,121  $        52,121  $        52,121  $        52,122
FEES  $      13,479  $      13,479  $      13,479  $      13,479
SUPPLIES  $        5,300  $                -  $                -  $                -
TRANS  $        5,820  $        5,820  $        5,820  $        4,365
PER EXPS  $      12,732  $      12,732  $      12,732  $        9,549
LIVING EXPENSES  $      27,528  $      27,528  $      27,528  $      20,646
TOTAL  $   116,980  $   111,680  $   111,680  $   100,161

Disbursement Dates 2024-2025

WLHSDM-DS 1   06/29/2024 12/28/2024 05/17/2025
WLHSDM-DS 2   08/17/2024 01/04/2025 05/17/2025
WLHSDM-DS 3   08/17/2024 01/04/2025 05/17/2025
WLHSDM-DS 4   08/17/2024 01/04/2025  

Disbursement Dates 2025-2026

WLHSDM-DS 1   06/28/2025 12/27/2025 05/16/2026
WLHSDM-DS 2   08/23/2025 01/03/2026 05/16/2026
WLHSDM-DS 3   08/23/2025 01/03/2026 05/16/2026
WLHSDM-DS 4   08/23/2025 01/03/2026  
  1. The financial aid Cost of Attendance (COA) and financial aid awards are estimated based on anticipated full-time enrollment for fall/spring terms. You will be expected to repay any overpayment of financial aid that resulted from a reduction in enrollment hours. The outstanding balance will be reflected on your university student account. Students must be enrolled at least half-time for loans. All students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is calculated annually at the end of the spring term once all grades have been posted.
  2. All HOLDs must be resolved for funds to be disbursed.
  3. If applicable, refunds are processed by Student Business Services, generally 3-5 business days after funds have been posted to your tuition account.

Financial Aid Timeline

  • FAFSA available for the new academic year. Entering or returning students must have username and password ready when completing the FAFSA. Use TTUHSC school code 042808.
  • Information from your FAFSA will be uploaded into our TTUHSC Financial System during March,which will allow us to evaluate your financial need.
  • Submit additional documentation being requested by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Indicate your enrollment status on WebRaider.
  • Expect “Award Notification” by early April.
  • Accept financial aid award offered to you on WebRaider. (Refer to Financial Aid & Payment Fact Sheet for instructions.)
  • First time Direct Loan borrowers will complete an online entrance counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note at
  • Returning students will complete the online entrance counseling at https://studentloans.govevery academic year.

Important: Check your WebRaider to receive any updates on your financial aid status.

Make a Budget

Using the cost of attendance from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso as a budget can give you a rough estimate of the maximum you can safely spend on living expenses for the upcoming year. Budgeting with your financial aid as opposed to a typical work income is a unique situation. By budgeting with the cost of attendance, it will give you an idea on how much financial aid you will need for the year.

Remember, financial aid is disbursed in two increments throughout the academic aid year.

Loan periods vary as well throughout the four years of attendence at the Woody L. Hunt School of Dental Medicine. Therefore, budgeting plays an important part in saving financial aid money for a whole 12 months. Saving money for after graduation is another great budgeting tip. You might not receive your pay from your residency right away.

Use the monthly budget worksheet to help you get a bigger picture of what you are spending.

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