Strategy 1:
- Create individualized pathways for pre-licensure BSN students.
- Implement seamless degree plans/transfer.
- Create academic-service partnerships/employer-based models.
- Provide program entrance & length choices.
- Develop credit for veterans/military health professional experience program.
Strategy 2:
- Identify risk prediction/interventions.
- Implement evidence-based practice for student support.
- Develop tutoring/mentoring program
- “Intrusive” advising.
- Progressions plan development.
- Policy Development/Compliance.
- Implement holistic student wellness approach, including financial wellness programming.
Strategy 3:
- Prepare faculty for Certified Nurse Educator Certification.
- Become accredited Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) provider.
- Deliver faculty development (pedagogy, evaluation and cultural competency training).
- Develop Preceptor mentoring.
- Create a post-baccalaureate certificate in nursing education.
Strategy 4:
- Strengthen Hispanic student recruitment.
- Strengthen transfer/advising process.
- Build community partnerships.
- Develop outreach programs focused on pathways.
- Create focused pre-health recruitment and preparation program.