Medical Student Teaching Center (MSTC)

The Foster School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs (OSA) provides academic support to pre-clerkship students through the following initiatives: peer tutoring, and peer coaching; while clerkship students are supported by the block chiefs. In addition, OSA promotes student success by offering an early alert system, professional development workshops, and career advising to all students. Each initiative offers a unique approach to academic support allowing the Student Success team to address the needs of a diverse student population.

Peer Tutoring (pre-clerkship): A peer tutor is typically a current medical student who provides curricular guidance and support to fellow medical students. They assist in clarifying complex concepts, reviewing material, and preparing for exams. They often draw from their experiences to offer practical advice and study strategies. Additionally, they may help develop clinical skills, navigate the medical school curriculum, and offer insights into career paths.

Peer Coaching (pre-clerkship): A peer coach provides support, guidance, and encouragement to their peers in various aspects of academic success. Unlike traditional mentors or tutors, peer coaches often share similar experiences and backgrounds with those they are coaching, creating a more relatable and empathetic relationship. Peer coaches help their peers set goals, overcome challenges, and develop skills through active listening, feedback, and collaborative problem-solving. They foster a supportive environment for growth and development, promoting mutual learning and empowerment within their peer group.

Block Chiefs (clerkship): The block chiefs are a group of fourth-year students that provide experience, guidance, and advise to the clerkship students. The block chiefs also conduct introductory workshops and facilitate group discussion learning events.

Early Alert System: Through this system, the Office of Student Affairs engages students who are at academic risk at an early stage. At-risk students will be individually assessed and guided. The primary goal of this program is to intervene promptly and provide targeted support to students before problems escalate.

For more information please contact Program Manager Raul A. Ramirez at