External Communications
- Editorial services for accreditations, textbooks, magazines, newsletters, flyers, brochures,
news releases, social media, websites/pages, announcements handbooks and development
- Developmental/substantive editing
- Copyediting/line editing
- Proofreading
- Fact checking/reference checking
- Content editing
- Writing services for magazines, newsletters, news releases, pitches, social media,
websites/pages, announcements, handbooks, speeches and development materials
- Cobranding and partnership communication
- Organizational communication
- Crisis communication
- Public relations
- Media relations
- Website content and management
The Scope email newsletter
Emailed weekly | ttuhscep.edu/the-scope
Tech View news blog
News articles, press releases, photo galleries, videos | eptechview.ttuhsc.edu
Social media
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
Texas Tech Health El Paso and TTP El Paso channels
Campus Monitors
Review and approval of content before it is added by Information Technology.