Any questions or concerns related to Payment Services should be directed to the El Paso staff at
Reminder: El Paso Finance tab should used to access Texas Tech Health El Paso forms.
Accounts Payable
OP 72.09 states that all receiving information for TechBuy purchase orders must be submitted through TechBuy. Although departments are not receiving paper invoices or requests from Accounts Payable to complete receiving documentation for e-invoices, receiving must still be completed timely for all items and services received.
Direct Pay
All Texas Tech Health El Paso direct pay expenditures must be processed through TechBuy using the appropriate Texas Tech Health El Paso direct pay form.
Purchasing Card
Chrome River expense report transactions from February 4, 2025 – March 3, 2025
Monday, March 3: Cycle closes
Wednesday, March 19: Expense reports with all supporting documentation must be approved by Cardholder’s
Supervisor/Fund manager by 5 p.m., March 19.
Note: The card will be suspended if the expense reports are not in the PCard Office Approval Dashboard by 5 p.m., March 19, or if there is documentation missing to complete the review.
NOTE: Use the transaction dates for your weekly reports and report name format as shown below:
Cycle Month – March
Report Due Date: 3/19/2025
1) Last name, FirstNameinitial,Mar 2025,02/04/2025– 02/09/2025
2) Last name, FirstNameinitial,Mar 2025,02/10/2025– 02/16/2025
3) Last name, FirstNameinitial,Mar 2025,02/17/2025– 02/23/2025
4) Last name, FirstNameinitial,Mar 2025,02/24/2025– 03/03/2025
Effective March 1, 2024, all travel on state-appropriated funds (E&G, PHF, HEAF, which are funds beginning with 10, 11, 12, 9D, 9E, 9F) must be booked via Hotel Engine.
The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has awarded a contract to Hotel Engine, a private hotel booking platform that connects State of Texas travelers to rates unavailable to the public and streamlines business travel management. With dedicated 24/7 customer support services, a simple search and book process, and customized account management tools, Hotel Engine is the contracted vendor for the State of Texas.
Section 2171.055(b), Government Code states that an institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code, is not required to participate in the comptroller's contracts for travel agency services or other travel services purchased from funds other than general revenue funds or educational and general funds as defined by Section 51.009, Education Code.
Departments using local funds are not required to use Hotel Engine. Departments using state-appropriated funds are required to use Hotel Engine when booking their lodging.
The Hotel Engine booking platform is only to be used for making business-related travel reservations. Any personal or leisure travel is strictly prohibited. To get started with Hotel Engine, visit the link and create an account using your Texas Tech Health El Paso email.
Hotel Engine Resources can be found under Helpful Links.
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Effective Jan 1, 2025 to Dec 31, 2025
The mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle is 70.0 cents per mile. This is a 3.0 cent increase from the previous rate of 67.0 cents per mile.
Reminder: If mileage reimbursement crosses the end of the calendar year (2024 and
2025), please submit two separate expense reports so that the correct rate is applied.
Questions? Email us at
State Issued Travel Card and Travel on State Appropriated Funds
The Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Section 20.413 directs the use of a state issued travel card for all travel expenditures using State appropriated funds, (E&G, PHF, HEAF which are Funds beginning with 10,11,12, 9D, 9E, 9F).
Beginning September 1, 2018, all Texas Tech Health El Paso employees should use the state-issued travel card to purchase travel services when traveling on state funds. Travel services for airfare shall be charged to the state-issued travel card. Travel services for lodging, rental vehicles and other necessary travel expenses shall be charged to the state-issued travel card, when feasible.
A Texas Tech Health El Paso employee who expects to travel on official state business using state appropriated funds should apply for a state travel card (HSCEP OP 79.11). Instructions outlining the application process can be found on the Payment Services website under Helpful Links - Travel - Application Procedures.
To meet the requirements of TAC Section 20.413, employees who are denied a travel card or who have their travel card suspended or canceled due to misuse or delinquency, and are traveling on official state business using state appropriated funds, they will be instructed to use the state-contracted travel agent National Travel Systems (NTS). The airline ticket will be charged to the Business Travel Account (BTA) (HSCEP OP 79.05).
If your department will be arranging the travel for a prospective employee or non-employee regardless of the type of funding, the BTA should be used along with the state-contracted travel agent National Travel Systems (NTS).
Contact the Texas Tech Health El Paso Travel Office concerning questions about obtaining/using a state-issued travel card or use of the contracted state travel agency at
Rental Car Contracts
The Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) has contracted with Hertz Corporation and Enterprise/National to provide discounted rental car services for state travelers.
Rentals not under contract rate will be limited to no more than the same size car or contracted rate unless a valid exception applies (see HSCEP OP 79.01, Texas State Travel Management Program).
Use codes below when booking a rental car through the state contract:
Enterprise Rent-A-Car/National Car Rental – PIN# TEX
The Hertz Corporation – Discount code 2132223
TRAVEL EXPENSES (60 days old) are TAXABLE to the EMPLOYEE EFFECTIVE 09/01/12
In accordance with IRS regulations, effective Sept. 1, 2012, any travel voucher not approved by the Travel Office that is over 60 days old will be taxable to the traveler. The Travel System will calculate based on the trip end date and will automatically record the taxable expense to Payroll. An email notification will be sent to the traveler should this occur.”