Our program has a total of 30 categorical resident positions. We match 10 interns
each year. As a newly accredited program, we have the distinct advantage of modeling
our program’s culture and clinical learning environment with the features that led
some of the highly reputable programs to their enviable successes. We seek well-rounded
applicants with passion and enthusiasm who are willing to work hard, expect and appreciate
progressive autonomy for patient care, and take an active role in shaping the training
experiences for themselves and their team.
We designed our curriculum and rotation experiences to enable deliberate practice
with active feedback and coaching from our committed faculty. From the very beginning,
the curriculum emphasizes patient ownership, bedside and team-based care, evidence-based
medicine, high-value care and leadership skills to graduate internists ready for independent
practice in a variety of settings.
We take exceptional care of our patients, our program and each other. We strongly
believe that high-quality patient care can only come from residents and faculty who
are not burned out and whose overall wellness is supported so they can practice with
empathy and professionalism. As much as I wonder if artificial intelligence will replace
me or if it will reduce my impact in caring for my patients, I continue to learn from
experts in the field that the role of internists right now, and in the future, has
never been more promising and exciting. We aspire to be the program that trains internists
who leverage technologic innovation to bring medicine back to the bedside, to demonstrate
prioritizing the physician-patient relationship, trust and connection above all else
is the key to excellence in patient care and the path to physicians’ gratifying, sustainable
and successful careers.
Faculty and Leadership
Strengths of our program include a diverse faculty, committed leadership, our hospital
and university with state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Our faculty come with
training and work experience from top academic institutions in the country. We are
proud of being here and contributing to the department’s strong sense of camaraderie
and support of innovation that most attracted us to the Internal Medicine Residency
Program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso/Hospitals of Providence
Transmountain campus.
Residents are directly involved in the ongoing assessment of the training program.
Participation in our Residency Education and Planning Committee ensures regular involvement
of the residents in shaping our program. You will find our faculty as receptive, sensitive
and responsive to your input and needs because we are on a path toward becoming one
of the premier programs in the region and know that we’ll get there faster by encouraging
and valuing your feedback.
Wonderful El Paso
El Paso is a fantastic city in sunny, Southwest Texas where the scenery is beautiful,
the cost of living is low, the quality of the schools are high and the hassles associated
with big cities are nonexistent! Please click here to explore more about our communities,
and I welcome you to visit us in person to feel for yourself.
Whether your career goal is to become a teacher in academic medicine, a leader in
primary patient care or an expert subspecialist, you will find the training experiences
and education at Texas Tech Health El Paso/The Hospitals of Providence Transmountain
Campus are an outstanding preparation for your future career. I look forward to meeting
you in person, discussing these opportunities, and introducing you to our family here
at Transmountain. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you!
Sudhagar Thangarasu, M.D., FACP
Residency Program Director