Expressive Activities
Texas Tech Health El Paso recognizes freedom of speech and expression as a fundamental right and seeks to ensure free, robust, and uninhibited debate and deliberations by students enrolled at the university as well as other persons. The following FAQs address common questions students have about when, where, and how they may engage in expressive activities:
Texas Tech Health El Paso Student Services and Affairs Website FAQs
Expressive activities include, but are not limited to, assembly, protest, speech, distribution of written material, carrying of signs, and circulation of petitions. These activities are protected by the First Amendment and Texas law. More information about expressive activities can be found in TTU System Regulation 07.04 and in Texas Tech Health El Paso’s Operating Procedure 61.27, Texas Tech Health El Paso’s Institutional Student Handbook (Student Conduct Code) and other related policies and procedures.
Commercial activities, such as marketing or selling products or services, are not expressive activities and are generally prohibited.
Students may engage in expressive activities in outdoor common areas, subject to the reasonable time, place, and manner provisions set out in TTU System Regulation 07.04.
No, reservations are not required for expressive activities in designated outdoor common areas. However, in order to avoid a conflict with previously scheduled activities, we encourage making a request to schedule outdoor common area space at least 72 hours in advance of the event. This request can be made at:
Student Services and Student Engagement
Medical Sciences Building II
Room 2C201
137 Rick Francis St.
El Paso, TX 79905
Yes, subject to the following requirements:
- No signage, poster, prop, display, or structure may be larger than 3 feet in height by 3 feet in width, and all must be hand-held. No open flames are permitted.
- No signage, poster, prop, display, or structure may be left unattended.
- Nothing may be affixed to or written on university property or grounds.
Yes, expressive literature may be personally distributed, but literature may not be left unattended. Commercial advertisements and marketing materials are not expressive literature and may not be distributed as part of an expressive activity.
No. TTU System Regulation 07.04 prohibits all writing on university property and grounds.
Yes, but the amplification device must be entirely handheld, and amplified sound may not exceed 80 decibels measured from the outdoor edge of university buildings. Activities including amplified sound that materially and substantially disrupt the normal operations of the university are prohibited.
Food and beverage service are subject to licensing, code, and ordinance requirements. You must obtain the required licenses and permits and satisfy all safety codes in order to serve food or beverages.
Commercial activities, such as marketing or selling products or services, are not expressive activities and are generally prohibited.
The Texas Tech University System’s Freedom of Expression Regulation 07.04 is available online, here, and Texas Tech Health El Paso’s Institutional Student Handbook, and other related policies and procedures.
Student Services and Student Engagement
Medical Sciences Building II
Room 2C201
137 Rick Francis St.
El Paso, TX 79905
The above FAQs are provided for convenience. TTU System Regulation 07.04 and other Texas Tech Health El Paso operating policies and procedures set forth all requirements regarding students’ exercise of expressive activities on campus.
Texas Tech Health El Paso Institutional Student Handbook
HSCEP OP 61.27 - Freedom of Expression
HSCEP OP 61.07 - Use of Texas Tech Health El Paso Premises and Amplification Equipment