Meet Our HSON Alumni

Aida Lopez Chacon

Aida Lopez portrait picture

“It’s fascinating to be part of a team of medical staff during an operation and see how the different areas of medicine merge with technology to deliver patient care.”

In our alumni profile, Aida Lopez Chacon reflects on her transition from engineering to nursing and how it’s all intertwined in her passion to serve others in health care.

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Enrique Ortiz

Enrique Ortiz portrait picture

“It never fails to empower me when I advocate for my patients and have a positive impact on their care. When patients are in the hospital, they’re typically in a vulnerable state, which is why gaining their trust is always an achievement.” 

In our alumni profile, Enrique Ortiz reflects on his time at the Hunt School of Nursing and how his experience prepared him for intensive care units throughout the U.S.

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Amanda Vega

Amanda Vega

“Some days you’re going to wonder if you’re cut out to be a nurse, and you are! Take your new transition day by day, find a good mentor, and just know that it doesn’t get easier, but you get better every single day.”

In our alumni profile, Amanda Vega discusses the journey of her nursing career and offers her best advice to future generations of trusted nursing heroes.

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