Tissue Requests
In order to evaluate requests for tissue, the Southwest Brain Bank requires that you provide the following information (return by email or fax):
Fill out the Southwest Brain Bank Tissue Request Form.
- A list of approved grant support for your research program (i.e., federal grant number, foundation or other private support, or identify current collaboration or mentor-trainee affiliations).
- An abstract or specific aim that clearly describe the project for which you will use the postmortem brain tissue (brief background, project goals and objectives, and experimental design).
- A copy of your curriculum vitae or NIH bio sketch.
Upon approval of the request, you will be asked to read and sign the materials transfer agreement which covers the following issues:
- Human Tissue Handling Risks and Safety Precautions Statement: This will acknowledge your responsibility in understanding of and adherence to appropriate safety standards for the protection of yourself and other laboratory personnel under your supervision while handling human postmortem brain tissue.
- Single Use Agreement: This acknowledges your responsibility to not distribute any portion of the tissue disbursement to colleagues or other investigators, and that all such inquiries will be directed to the Southwest Brain Bank.
- Southwest Brain Bank Acknowledgement Agreement: This will indicate that you have agreed to provide specific acknowledgement of the Southwest Brain Bank and its federal grant number in any publications related to the use of these tissues.