Vaccinations for kids
Attempting to dispel myths about vaccination and encouraging a dialogue with parents.
Texas Tech Health El Paso is providing notice of a recent incident which may impact the information of certain individuals. Read more.
Attempting to dispel myths about vaccination and encouraging a dialogue with parents.
This episode we discuss common misconceptions between influenza and the flu, available treatments, prevention and information for the public.
PedPOD’s debut episode, “Breastfeeding and Jaundice in Newborns: Common Myths Busted!” discusses frequent misconceptions about breastfeeding and answers questions mothers may have about breastfeeding their newborn. The episode will also explain how to recognize and care for newborns at risk for developing jaundice.
If you are a faculty or staff member or student of TTU, TTUHSC, Texas Tech Health El Paso or ASU and think you may have COVID-19 (coronavirus), Email us or call 915-215-SICK(7425) to speak with a nurse.