Why Choose Us?
Here’s what makes our program special, from the residents.
“El Paso is a unique location for orthopaedic training because it offers the volume of a large city with the atmosphere of a blue collar practice in an underserved community.”
“We serve deserving patients with challenging pathology.”
“310 days of sunshine with 365 days of trauma every year.”
“Blue collar program with top-tier fellowship trained attendings.”
“Excellent! Guided and graduated autonomy. Due to the lack of fellows, we get the chance to be the first involved in complex cases one-on-one with attending surgeons.”
“We are given the opportunity to do a number of surgeries during residency that far exceeds the national average.”
“Very hands-on at early training levels.”
“We have more variety and autonomy here surgically than any of my friends at other residencies.”
“Dedicated academic time to connect, learn, and perform cadaveric dissections.”
“Our academic time is truly protected and the success of that can be seen in our consistent OITE performance.”
“Dedicated and protected academic time to connect, learn, and perform cadaveric dissections.”
“Mentorship models who facilitate longitudinal relationships.”
“Fellowship subspecialty trained faculty who are willing to support you in all research and future fellowship endeavors.”
“Between Texas Tech Health El Paso and WBAMC, the faculty and residents enjoy a close working relationship. The faculty are engaging with the residents during surgery to help with our education.”
“My peer residents are incredible, the reason I keep coming to work excited every day.”
“Great group of people from a mix of backgrounds. The type of people that make call at 2 a.m. better.”
“The resident camaraderie is second to none. Residency is challenging, but the residents lean on each other for support which is meaningful. While we spend quite a bit of time together at work, many of the residents enjoy getting together outside of work socially for a bite to eat or a get together at each other's house.”
“Combined military and civilian residency but you could never tell because we are all one as orthopaedic surgery residents.”
“I have been able to expand my research career to levels I never conceived of before coming to this program.”
“We have a few research-oriented staff members who encourage and guide residents through research projects, which helps residents navigate the research landscape.”
“Many of our residents have nearly 50 publications by the time they graduate. The opportunities exist in this program if being a prolific publisher is your interest.”
“The military provides an exceptionally high number of sports cases while the civilian side provides phenomenal exposure to trauma.”
“As a civilian, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to treat our military service members as part of my orthopaedic training.”
“Combines white collar academics and blue collar work ethic.”
“Great institutional support for preparing academic credentials and navigating the match.”
“We consistently match into our resident’s #1 choice across all specialties.”
“This program prepares residents extremely well for fellowship. We have no shortage of operative experience while in residency, so our residents are not only prepared to make the decision of which fellowship to pursue, but they are also practiced enough to participate in advanced development that is ideal for building a practice following training.”
“Rotation dependent. Orthopaedic residency is busy no matter where you go. Work/life balances improve as you progress through each year.”
“The balance of work and outside work activities is challenging with the demands of training. Some rotations are more rigorous than others, but there are still times in which we are able to spend time away from work with our respective families. Our academics day especially gives us the opportunity to handle personal tasks during the week that we may otherwise be unable to handle.”
“There is a wonderful rhythm that pushes you to do more than you thought you could and then let’s you get caught up.”
“It is great to be at a program where having a family is the norm, not the exception.”
“We often have social events that children and significant others are always welcome to.”
“El Paso is family-friendly and the program's camaraderie supports families.”
“Mountain bike, hike, visit national parks, enjoy the Sun City!”
“El Paso is a beautiful multicultural city with tons of sunshine. I spend 99%of my time outdoors.”
“Hiking, great local food options, family events (water parks, splash pads, parks everywhere). It's not a remote town, it is a city with nearly a million people and a ton of things to do.”
“There are several activities in the greater El Paso area to take advantage of when we are not on the job. The landscape makes outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing. Additionally, there is never a shortage of delicious Mexican food to try!”