Office of Research

The Office of Research (OR) is responsible for all aspects of research administration on campus, including administrative oversight of research buildings, budgets and related services, as well as research compliance and training.
The OR also houses Sponsored Programs (SP), research committees, including the Institutional Review Board (IRB), as well as research services, such as the Laboratory Animal Resources Center (LARC). The office assures adherence to federal and state regulations as well as institutional policies in research conduct.
Sponsored Programs provides oversight during the pre and post award grant process. SP reviews and directs the processing of all aspects, including development of proposals and budgets, obtaining institutional signatures and approvals, ensuring compliance with policy and funding agency requirements, reviewing guidelines for pre award, submitting proposals and reviewing and negotiating and accepting awards on behalf of the institution. SP is responsible for overseeing and facilitating proper grant management as well as the development and delivery of workshops, trainings, and other events that will advance research at the institution.
SP is responsible for all administrative aspects of research-related grants and contracts for public granting agencies. SP also hosts workshops and training sessions detailing the grant process for faculty and staff, and is the institutional clearinghouse for material transfer agreements between faculty at Texas Tech Health El Paso and other institutions.
The Office of Research news. Find out more here.