
Chair of the Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine
Center of Emphasis in Cancer
Scientific Director, Center of Emphasis in Cancer
Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Dean, L. Frederick Francis Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
My laboratory studies the physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in cancer prevention and progression. Our specific focus is on breast and pancreatic cancer. We use a broad array of basic and translational research approaches to address fundamental aspects of clinical significance by elucidating the vital pathways and mechanisms responsible for cancer growth and development. These approaches include biochemistry, cell biology, genomics, imaging, proteomics, molecular biology, and preclinical animal studies. We currently are investigating the mechanisms by which early pregnancy reduces lifetime risk of breast cancer. Further, we have developed a short-term hormone treatment, which mimics the protective effect of early pregnancy, and are using this approach to dissect the pathways by which short-term hormone treatment confers protection against breast cancer. We are also developing new treatment strategies against different cancers. We have successfully identified active compounds, which exhibit potent anticancer activities against both breast and pancreatic cancers, and are in the process of translating these experimental results into potential pre-clinical studies.
Education and academic positions
- University of Madras, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D. (1999)
- Assistant, Associate, and Professor / Director of the Center of Emphasis in Cancer, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech Health El Paso, El Paso, TX (2004-present)
Honors (fellowships, career development awards, endowments, etc.)
- Dean's Young Investigator Award (2008)
- Dean's Distinguished Service Award (2009)
- Dean's Excellence in Research Award (2009)
- Editorial Board Member Current Cancer Drug Targets (2013–present)
- Chancellor's Distinguished Research Award (2014)
- Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award (2015)
- University Distinguished Professor Award (2015)
Link to PubMed publications

Center of Emphasis in Cancer
Assistant Professor
CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research
Adjunct Assistant Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center Adjunct Faculty, INDICASAT - Panama
Our laboratory is intrigued by the fact that greater than 70 percent of the genome is transcribed. We believe that the entire mammalian genome encodes information necessary for the efficient, proper and faithful regulation of biological processes in a timely manner. The aberrant changes in this encoded information can cause diseases such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation, metabolic disorders, etc.
Our long-standing research interest lies in understanding the genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors responsible for these diseases, especially cancer. Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have opened Pandora's box of novel genes that are transcribed, but do not code for proteins - commonly referred to as the non-coding RNAs.
Several of these genes have been shown to be associated with cancers and other diseases that impact human life. We employ state-of-the-art molecular, genetic, biochemical, and genomic approaches to investigate the role of these genes, uncover their mechanisms of action, and discover their potential for therapeutic intervention.
Education and academic positions
- Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India, Ph.D - 2010
- University of Agricultural Sciences, India, M.Sc. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) - 2003
- University of Agricultural Sciences, India, B.Sc. (Agriculture) - 2001
- Assistant Professor, Texas Tech Health El Paso (2018 - present)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas (2018 - present)
- Adjunct Faculty, INDICASAT, Panama (2017 - present)
- Assistant Instructor, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas (2016 - 2018)
Honors (fellowships, career development awards, endowments, etc.)
- Coldwell Foundation: The Functional Analysis of Cancer (2021 -2022)
- Oral Presentation; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Regulatory and Noncoding RNAs; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, New York; August 23-27, 2016
- Jon Shevell Young Scientist Travel Scholarship from Komen Foundation; Keystone Symposia: Nuclear Receptors, Full Throttle in Snowbird, Utah; January 10-14, 2016
- Keystone Symposia Oral presentation; Long Noncoding RNAs: From Evolution to Function; Keystone, Colorado; March 15-20, 2015
- ENDO presidential poster competition winner; Endocrine Society Annual Meeting; San Diego, California; March 5-8, 2015
- ENDO featured poster; Endocrine Society Annual Meeting; San Diego, California; March 5-8, 2015
- ENDO outstanding abstract award; Endocrine Society Annual Meeting; San Diego, California; March 5-8, 2015
- Susan G. Komen postdoctoral fellowship; 2013-2016
- Keystone Symposia Scholarship; Nuclear Receptor Matrix: Reloaded; Vancouver, Canada; April 15-20, 2012
- Teaching Assistant, Summer Short Course on Eukaryotic Gene Expression; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, New York; July 26 - August 15, 2011
- IUBMB Travel award; 33rd FEBS Congress and 11th IUBMB Conference, Biochemistry of Cell Regulation; Athens, Greece; June 28 – July 3, 2008
- FAOBMB Travel award: 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress, 79th Ann Meeting of Japanese Biochemical Society, 29th Ann Meeting of Mol Biol Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan
- Junior and Senior Research Fellowship; Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, 2003
- Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Young Faculty Recruitment Award, RR170020 (2017 – 2022)

Vice Chair for Research, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Director, Cancer Prevention and Control, Center of Emphasis in Cancer, Department
of Molecular and Translational Medicine
Medical School: University of Benin Medical School, Nigeria
Advanced Degree: M.P.H., School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Residency: Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
Fellowship: Fellow, Medical Students Educators Institute Society of Teachers in Family Medicine
American Board of Medical Specialties: Certified American Board of Family Medicine
Research Interests: Women’s health

Assistant Professor
Center of Emphasis in Cancer

Center of Emphasis in Cancer
Assistant Professor
My research interests focus on cancer biology in the areas of drug discovery, prevention and treatment, with an emphasis on pancreatic and breast cancers. I am investigating the effects of various active phytochemicals, hormones and growth factors on cancer growth and progression, particularly with regard to the biochemical and signaling pathways associated with oxidative stress.
I am performing these investigations using in vitro and in vivo experimental approaches, ranging from tissue culture, analysis of human tissue samples, mouse models and patient-derived xenografts. I hope to identify key regulatory genes that trigger and promote carcinogenesis, and stimulate cancer growth and metastasis.
Further areas of interest include cancer biomarkers and novel small molecule therapeutics. These findings can potentially be used to design novel preventive and treatment strategies against cancers.
Education and academic positions
- Ph.D., Biotechnology (2006 -2010), Anna University, Chennai, India
- M.Sc., Biochemistry (2001- 2003), University of Madras, Chennai, India
- B.Sc., Biochemistry (1999- 2001), University of Madras, Chennai, India
- Research Assistant Professor (September 2018–Present), Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, El Paso, Texas
- Senior Research Associate (January 2017–August 2018), Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, El Paso, Texas
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate (May 2012–December 2016), Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Honors (fellowships, career development awards, endowments, etc.)
- Coldwell Foundation: Gedunin Pancan 2 (2021 -2022)
- Oral presentation: The role of transcription factor HNF1α in pancreatic cancer cells. 11thAnnual Research Colloquium, April 19, 2017, Texas Tech Health El Paso PLFSOM, El Paso, Texas.
- ENDO presidential poster competition winner: Hyperglycemia-induced leptin signaling enhances expression of oncogenic microRNAs and microRNAs governing stem cell self-renewal in normal and malignant breast epithelial cells. Endocrine Society's 96th Annual Meeting and Expo, Neoplasia of Endocrine Tissues 2014/6: Abstract # MON-0314; June 21–24, 2014, Chicago, Illinois.
- 1st place for best poster presentation: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma growth and metastasis is inhibited by silencing Growth hormone receptor. 8thAnnual Research colloquium. May 5-8, 2014, Texas Tech Health El Paso PLFSOM, El Paso, Texas.
- “Nimbolide inhibits pancreatic cancer growth and metastasis through ROS-mediated apoptosis and inhibition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Scientific Reports, 2016 Jan 25; 6: 19819. PMID: 26804739”. This manuscript was cited by several websites, newsletters, and social media (February 2016)
- Senior Research Fellowship (January 2007-December 2010), Indian council of medical research (ICMR), Delhi, India.
- Senior Research Fellowship (January 2005-December 2005), Anna University – Centre for Biotechnology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Junior Research Fellowship (January 2004-December 2004), Anna University – Centre for Biotechnology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- ENDO presidential poster competition winner: Hyperglycemia-induced leptin signaling enhances expression of oncogenic microRNAs and microRNAs governing stem cell self-renewal in normal and malignant breast epithelial cells. Endocrine Society's 96th Annual Meeting and Expo, Neoplasia of Endocrine Tissues 2014/6: Abstract # MON-0314; June 21–24, 2014, Chicago, Illinois.
Link to research publications
View Dr. Ramadevi Subramani Reddy's publications.