Student Complaints
Any faculty, staff, or student of TTUHSC El Paso may file a Complaint(s) against a student(s) or a student organization(s) for violation(s) of the Student Code.
A preliminary investigation/discussion with a supervisor (program director, chair, etc.) must be done prior to filing a Complaint. If a basis for the Complaint exists, Attachment A from the Institutional Student Handbook: Code of Professional and Academic Conduct shall be completed and delivered by the Complainant to the Student Conduct Administrator. A Complaint shall be submitted no later than twenty business days from the date of the event or when the Complainant becomes aware of the event. Complaints filed more than twenty business days after the event shall include a justification for the delay and will be accepted on a “case by case” basis as determined by the Student Conduct Administrator.
Prior to filling a formal complaint, a preliminary investigation/discussion with the GSBS dean should be conducted to determine if there is a basis for the complaint.