Frequently Asked Questions
Cognos is a web-based reporting tool used by Texas Tech Health El Paso, TTUHSC, TTU, and the TTU System that allows users the ability to run comprehensive reports or quick queries. Each time you select parameters and run a report, Cognos is connecting to the Operational Data Store or other third-party sources and pulling the data you requested.
The best way to access Cognos is through the F&A Work Tools tab from the WebRaider portal ( When you access Cognos through the portal, you will be automatically logged into Cognos and will not have to re-enter your eRaider information. There are numerous links to Cognos from the F&A Work Tools tab, but they all point to the same page. You can also access Cognos directly at You will be asked to enter your eRaider username and password.
The F&A Work Tools tab provides a one-stop shop for the majority of the human resources, budget, and finance links. To add this tab, log onto the WebRaider portal at Select Content Layout from the red menu options at the top of the screen. Select Fragments from the Manage Content/Layout options. Select Subscribe to the left of the F&A Work Tools fragment. Select an arrow icon to designate the location for the F&A Work Tools tab. This process may have to be repeated for the F&A Work Tools tab to successfully add to your portal.
The Operational Data Store (ODS) is a set of databases that contain information retrieved nightly from Banner and other third-party systems. The ODS provides a stable and consolidated view of the financial data.
Cognos pulls the majority of its data from the Operational Data Store (ODS). The ODS is updated nightly and verified daily.
The basic finance reports do not require any security aside from the initial eRaider authentication. All payroll related or otherwise sensitive personnel information is maintained through the HR folders and requires security.
When you select to run a Cognos report, you are actually querying for the data. In order for the system to know the type of data you would like to view, you must provide it with the information. The parameter page allows you to select various options for the report output. The system will filter the data to provide the requested report.
Many Cognos reports provide a hyperlink which opens a new report within a separate window to provide detailed or more specific information. The additional report is a Drill Thru report.
Please contact the Finance Reporting team at
The Cognos default display is 15 reports per page within a folder but you can designate the number of reports per page. Select the My Area icon from the blue toolbar and select My Preferences. Enter 999 in the Number of Entries in List View text box. To complete your changes select OK at the bottom of the screen.
Cognos allows you to designate a particular folder or view as your home screen. You must first navigate to the folder or screen that you would like to set as your home screen. From that screen, select the down arrow to the right of the home icon from the blue toolbar and select set view as home. Once the page refreshes, you will have your desired home screen.
Many users choose to add their favorite reports to the favorites list within Internet Explorer. Use the folder structure within Cognos Connection to locate the specific report you wish to add to your favorites. Select more to the far right of the report title within the folder. A list of available actions will display. Select the add to bookmarks option. An add a favorite window will appear. Complete the fields and select add. The report should now be listed in your favorites menu.
Many users choose to add a shortcut link of their favorite reports to their my folders tab. Use the folder structure within Cognos Connection to locate the specific report you wish to add to your my folders tab. Select more to the far right of the report title within the folder. A list of available actions will display. Select create a shortcut to this entry option. A new window will open and will ask you to provide a name for the shortcut. You can also optionally provide a description. Finance Reporting suggests entering the report path for the original report in the description field. You must select the select my folders option under location. Select finish when you have completed the form. The shortcut to the report should now be located in your my folders tab.
There are a few settings that may cause your computer to have difficulty opening a report in the Excel format. The Finance Reporting team suggests contacting the IT Help Desk, but we have a few suggestions you can try. Open an Internet Explorer browser and click on tools from the toolbar. Select Internet options from the drop down list. Once the Internet options box appears, select the security tab. Select the custom level box. Locate the automatic prompting for file downloads setting from the list and select the enable circle. Select OK and you will return to the Internet options window. Select apply and then Ok. If you still have trouble exporting a report to Excel, verify that you do not have any additional toolbars installed or pop-up blockers enabled. For further instructions, contact the IT Help Desk.
Once you run a report, you can select the run icon. This will take you back to the parameter page of the report. Please be aware that the parameter page will maintain the values you selected for the previous run.
Many users convert reports into PDF in order to print. You can adjust your preferences so that reports will automatically display in a PDF (you can also select Excel and HTML if desired). Select the my area icon from the blue toolbar and select my preferences. Locate the report format drop down box and select your desired report format. Select OK at the bottom of the screen.
The best format option for printing is PDF. Reports run in the HTML format will only print the current page displayed. When a report is in a PDF, the entire report will print. You can also export the report to Excel to print but it may not have the same aesthetic qualities as the PDF format.