Texas Tech Health El Paso Community Physicians Role

Physician/Preceptor’s Role

  • Assign appropriate patients to student(s).
  • Allow the student time to review the chart, talk to the patient and do an exam prior to the preceptor entering.
  • Discuss the case with the student briefly before entering patient room.
  • Preceptor will generally perform his/her history and physical with student observing.
  • Demonstrate pertinent physical findings to student; confirm findings of student.
  • Answer patient questions prior to leaving the room – or allow student to answer questions.
  • Discuss briefly with student plan and next steps; give student assignment of reading or further knowledge needed for better comprehension of the clinical scenario.
  • Student is expected to write a note documenting the H&P or progress note to be given to the preceptor (if part of medical record, will need to be signed by physician and follow compliance policies for billing).
  • Allow student(s) to participate at an appropriate level in the expected procedures for the designated clerkship.
  • Preceptor will give feedback at the end of each day verbally and at the end of the week on paper – copy to be sent to coordinator/CD.
  • Complete student assessments in a timely fashion (within two weeks).
  • Serve as a role model for professionalism.
  • Preceptors will be expected to participate in faculty development activities on an annual.