Dance for Parkinson’s
A creative dance class for people with Parkinson’s Disease/Movement Disorders. Professional caregivers/family (16 yrs. and older) are welcome. No dance partner necessary. Walker and wheelchair friendly.

10:30-11:45 a.m. Friday mornings
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
1810 Elm St., El Paso, TX 79930
(Manhattan Heights Historic District/Central El Paso)
Classes taught by:
Devon Wall
MFA/Dance NYU Tisch School of the Arts
LA Public Schools Arts Education Dance Specialist
Dancing with Parkinson's classes are modeled after the Mark Morris Dance Group / Brooklyn
Parkinson Group / Dance for PD® program.
For more information about Dance for PD® medical research/class benefits go to
First class is FREE! Fees are $5 per class and caregivers are FREE.
Wear loose, comfortable clothes and comfortable athletic shoes.
For class information and REGISTRATION,
contact Devon Wall