De Casa en Casa


In order to address the unequal cervical cancer burden in our underserved border community, De Casa en Casa was constructed as a multicomponent evidence-based program that aims to reduce the cervical cancer (CC) burden among uninsured women in US/Mexico Border counties of El Paso and Hudspeth. The target population for the ongoing De Casa program consists of predominantly Hispanic women who are at disproportionate cervical cancer risk and face overwhelming socioeconomic, cultural and access barriers.  Women on the US/Mexico Border have a higher cervical cancer incidence rate, are diagnosed at later stages and have higher mortality compared to non-Border women [REFS], furthermore, Hispanic women have almost double the incidence compared to all race/ethnicities and are twice more likely to die from cervical cancer than Non-Hispanic women. The overall goal of De Casa en Casa is to reduce the burden of cervical cancer in our Border community by facilitating early diagnosis and access to treatment in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.


When detected at an early stage, the 5-year survival rate for women with invasive cervical cancer is 92%.