Curriculum Coursework

DSPM 5101 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 1 S/F 1 This DSPM course introduces cell metabolism, microbiology, and inflammation, growth and development of the head and neck, the gastrointestinal system, histology, genetics, bone, muscle and innervation, caries, saliva and anesthesia.
DSCI 5301 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 1 S/F 3 This DSCI course includes Spanish immersion, conversation with medical/dental Spanish; an introduction into social foundations of health, clinical research, epidemiology, and statistics. (CHC 1)
DDSK 5201 Dental Skills Y 1 S/F 2 This DDSK course teaches information regarding safety in clinic, EHR usage, instrumentation and equipment use and care, preparation and restoration of direct restorations, and anesthesia.
DSPM 5602 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 1 S/F 6 This DSPM course introduces cell metabolism, microbiology, and inflammation, growth and development of the head and neck, the gastrointestinal system, histology, genetics, bone, muscle and innervation, caries, saliva and anesthesia.
DSCI 5102 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 1 S/F 1 This DSCI course includes Spanish immersion, conversation with medical/dental Spanish; an introduction into social foundations of health, clinical research, epidemiology, and statistics. (CHC 1)
DMAS 5102 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 1 S/F 1 This DMAS course introduces concepts of ethics, controversies in dentistry, wellness, critical thinking, and cultural diversity.
DDSK 5802 Dental Skills Y 1 S/F 8 This DDSK course teaches information regarding safety in clinic, EHR usage, instrumentation and equipment use and care, preparation and restoration of direct restorations, and anesthesia.
DSPM 5603 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 1 SP 6 This DSPM course addresses hematology, lymphatics, additional head and neck anatomy, common oral lesions, the cardiovascular, pulmonary and nervous system.
DSCI 5103 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 1 SP 1 This DSCI course continues with conversational and medical/dental Spanish, social foundations of health, clinical research, epidemiology, and statistics. (CHC 2)
DMAS 5103 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 1 SP 1 This DMAS course explores further cultural awareness, economics, ethics from genetics to research, and additional
DDSK 5803 Dental Skills Y 1 SP 8 This DDSK course provides information and practice onperiodontal disease and oral surgery, with treatment, consent and sequelae and continuous care management.
DSPM 6401 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 1 SU 4 This DSPM course provides instruction in the central nervous system, cranial nerves, the endocrine system, liver, kidney and the musculoskeletal system.
DSCI 6101 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 1 SU 1 This DSCI course includes deeper exploration into managing community health, including affordability, access to care, consent, management of information and business components. (CHC 3a)
DMAS 6101 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 1 SU 1 This DMAS course explores disabilities and advocacy for care, ethics in dental topical areas, and further cultural awareness.
DDSK 6601 Dental Skills Y 1 SU 6 This DDSK course teaches information for indirect preparations and restorations, including cementation and subsequent care. Imaging, porcelains, sintering, and glazing procedures are reviewed.
DSPM 6602 to 6601 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 2 FL 6 This DSPM course provides information on human and mental development, anxiety and sedation, emergency medicine and pharmacotherapeutics.
DSCI 6102 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 2 FL 1 This DSCI course analyzes community health issues, ethical issues related to community intervention/activism, risk communication for individuals and communities toward system change and policy proposals. (CHC 3b)
DMAS 6102 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 2 FL 1 This DMAS course introduces the decisions and ethics in the delivery of dentistry, effective communications, and the introduction to practice concepts.
DDSK 6802 Dental Skills Y 2 FL 8 This DDSK course teaches concepts and applications for the preparation, production and insertion of complete and partial removable dental prostheses, with patient instruction and recare.
DSPM 6603 Dental Scientific Principles of Medicine Y 2 SP 6 This DSPM course provides instruction regarding herbal medications, head and neck anatomy review, and in depth oral pathology.
DSCI 6103 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 2 SP 1 This DSCI course continues exploration into community intervention and activism, communication, developing system change and policy proposals. (CHC 3c)
DMAS 6103 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 2 SP 1 This DMAS course continues with practice administration emphasizing clear and safe communication, staffing, training and employee procedures.
DDSK 6803 Dental Skills Y 2 SP 8 This DDSK course teaches all phases from diagnosis through restoration for partial fixed dental prostheses, including implant planning, restoration, and maintenance.
DSCI 7201 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 2 SU 2 This DSCI course begins the student's discovery of community intervention and activism through team interaction with a community group to address a policy or funding need. (CHC 4a)
DDSK 7101 Dental Skills Y 2 SU 10 This DDSK course teaches orthodontics for the general practitioner, including all phases of diagnosis with minor tooth movement, and a strong integration to emergency dental care, pediatric care, and patient family development.
DLEC 7101 Dental Elective N 2 SU (+1) This DLEC allows a student to delve deeper into research opportunities, or pursue an area of distinction within the school.
DSCI 7202 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 3 FL 2 This DSCI course continues the student's development of community intervention and activism through team interaction with a community group addressing a policy or funding need toward a concrete solution. (CHC 4b)
DMAS 7102 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 3 FL 1 This DMAS course emphasizes clear written communications and recordkeeping to withstand audit and challenges.
DDSK 7132 Dental Skills Y 3 FL 13 This DDSK course provides practice development in all areas of general practice leading toward competency in those disciplines and skills.
DSCI 7203 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 3 SP 2 This DSCI course is designed to complete the design of the student team's intervention or activism project for their community group.
DMAS 7103 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 3 SP 1 This DMAS course reviews assignable duties, requirements for licensure, and the legal process in dental challenge.
DDSK 7133 Dental Skills Y 3 SP 13 This DDSK course furthers practice skills development in all areas of general practice, designed to lead to competency in those areas.
DSCI 8201 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 3 SU 2 This DSCI course lends itself to student implementation of their team's project toward collection of data in support of a research proposal.
DMAS 8101 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 3 SU 1 This DMAS course hosts guest presenters in topics important to practice administration, such as office insurance, banking, financial planning, procurement, and overhead analysis.
DDSK 8901 Dental Skills Y 3 SU 9 This DDSK course provides additional practice skills and concept development which leads to competency in applied general dentistry disciplines.
DLEC 8101 Dental Elective N 3 SU (+1) This DLEC allows a student to deepen their knowledge in areas of distinction or research.
DSCI 8202 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 4 FL 2 This DSCI course permits continuation of student team project and research.
DMAS 8102 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 4 FL 1 This DMAS course furthers practice administration presentations on insurance plans, marketing, employment regulation, contracts, payment options and community service.
DDSK 8132 Dental Skills Y 4 FL 13 This DDSK course provides opportunities in general dentistry to expand the student's knowledge base, practice critical thinking, and experience community dental models.
DLEC 8102 Dental Elective N 4 FL (+1) This DLEC provides additional time for a student to deepen their knowledge in areas of distinction or research.
DSCI 8203 Dental Society, Community & the Individual Y 4 SP 2 This DSCI course completes any open student team project and/or research with their community organization.
DMAS 8103 Dental Master's Colloquium Y 4 SP 1 This DMAS course explores emerging topics in practice administration, such as handling of social media, referrals, gifting, and establishing practice locations.
DDSK 8133 Dental Skills Y 4 SP 13 This DDSK course furthers exploration in general dentistry and community practice models, providing opportunities for growth, critical thinking and development of independent practitioner skills.
DLEC 8103 Dental Elective N 4 SP (+1) This DLEC allows a student to complete projects in research or areas of distinction which enrich student experiences.